Federal Contractor

For those federal contractor employers in the EF:
Is there a law prohibiting a federal contractor or subcontractor from hiring dishonorably discharged applicants?
Many thanks in advance.
Is there a law prohibiting a federal contractor or subcontractor from hiring dishonorably discharged applicants?
Many thanks in advance.
Is there a law prohibiting a federal contractor or subcontractor from hiring dishonorably discharged applicants?
Many thanks in advance.[/quote]
Please clarify. Do you mean dishonorably discharged veterans or anyone who has ever been fired for cause?
Thank you.
I don't know of a specific, directed prohibition toward hiring dishonorably discharged individuals as federal contractors; however, there are some repercussions that follow the discharge itself that may disqualify the individual for certain jobs.
Presuming we're speaking of the true "Dishonorable Discharge," (rather than a Bad Conduct Discharge or Entry Level Separation), a dishonorable discharge usually has an underlying felony conviction attached to the separation from military service. So, effectively, this applicant is a convicted felon and, from that, would not be able to hold jobs that a convicted felon is prohibited from holding.
The applicant, due to the discharge, is also ineligible for security clearance and may not carry a firearm.
Further, any sort of veterans' benefits or preferences (USERRA, VEVRAA, hiring preferences) do not apply to dishonorably discharged individuals.
Thanks to you and Sharon for following up on my question. It was, apparently, a bit of a stumper. And yes, the discharge was an actual dishonorable discharge, not the other, less serious forms of discharge.