Medical question

We have an employee who has in the past three months has fainted/gotten dizzy and unresponsiive at work. We are extremely worried about her health and also worry that she is going to hurt herself at work and we will be liable. She has admitted to not taking her Blood pressure medication like she should. I have told my plant manager we should send her to our Company doctor and get a fit for duty physical as she is currently a risk to be working in manufacturing environment. He isn't sure we should do that. What would you do?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We are also a manufacturing facility and I am curious as to what your response has been when she fainted at work? I would have called an ambulance, and then required a fit for duty certification from her doctor before she could return. Also, you can put someone on an involuntary leave of absence. You absolutely have a right, and a duty, not to allow her at work if she represents a danger to herself or someone else.

    Sending her to the company doctor is certainly an option. My experience is that they deal more effectively with occupational injuries, but if they can issue a "not fit fot duty" certification based on their exam, it will add more weight to your insistence that she stay away from work until her condition is resolved.
  • An ambulance was called and unfortunately the HR manager did not ask for the fitness certificate before allowing her back to work ( I work in different location) . Thanks for your advice.
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