Employees and Their Cell Phones

OMG! There's a new HR IQ quiz on employee texting and cell phone use and employer liability.
Here's what I want to know. What have your employees done with their cell phones while working that made you say, "What were they thinking?"
Here's what I want to know. What have your employees done with their cell phones while working that made you say, "What were they thinking?"
Update - I got in.
Spoiler alert: If you haven't taken the quiz you might want to skip the rest of my answer.
Here's the explanation for the answer on number 6
While [answer 1] is certainly a legal option, it is probably not advisable as it would likely have a very negative impact on employee morale. Additionally, while it is generally wise to implement policies that apply to all employees, such an extreme measure would punish everyone for the behavior of one individual. The suggestions offered in Answers 2, 3, and 4 are reasonable while still allowing some personal calls. The down side, however, may be that these options require more monitoring and supervision.
Does that clear up the questions you had?
Does that clear things up?