
As we love to talk about food here in the content department at MLSP, the topic of non-traditional Thanksgiving foods came up and we were wondering what foods outside the usual turkey, stuffing or dressing, green bean casserole, etc. are part of your Thanksgiving traditions or memories.
But my favorite Thanksgiving/holiday food I remember is one I haven't had in ages, but plan to revisit this year - chocolate gravy. You make the gravy in a cast iron skillet that your grandmother probably also cooked in and you serve it over oven toast (toast made in the oven with pats of butter put on before you toast it) or biscuits. Yes, chocolate gravy is a breakfast food in the South although it's also an excellent breakfast-for-dinner treat with bacon and eggs.
After mom died we were talking about who was going to bring what to dinner and somebody asked who was going to make the jello salad. Everybody said "Yuck, not me!" and that was when we realized that "it's a family tradition" was the only thing that had kept that stupid salad on the table all those years!
When I was growing up, Thanksgiving at our house was all about the coconut pie. In the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, the other kids at school would tell of their never ending love for chess, pumpkin, or pecan pie, but my brother and I would just nod and smile and keep on dreaming of the coconut pies that we knew would be coming our way on turkey day. In fact, I think probably the worst childhood squabbles we had were over that dang pie. Golly it was good.
Welcome to the forum. Sure am glad turkey isn't your favorite.:D
As long as we're on a holiday dinner theme...
Paul? You ok there buddy? Are you recovered?
I, on the other hand, intend to induce a full scale Turkey coma with firm instruction to not be revived until kickoff.
Which bring me to a question. Many companies have shied away from decorating for the Christmas holiday in recent years. What will your company/organization do as far as decorating for the Christmas holiday this year?
Our dinner came out pretty good except for the gravy. It had so many lumps I ended up calling it Gravy Surprise (a surprise in every mouthful).
We have some employees who really go all-out with their offices or cubicles, but I personally decorate my office very simply - I have a six-inch-tall "Charlie Brown Christmas" tree, complete with the one little red ornament and Linus's blanket wrapped around the bottom, and a stuffed elf that I can sit on a shelf. Easy to put up, easy to take down and put back in a closet when the season is over!