Should Congress extend jobless benefits for more than 2.5 million Americans?

According to the Wall Street Journal, Congress has voted to extend benefits six times since June 2008. But Republican resistance has grown along with concerns about the deficit. As an HR pro, do you think unemployment benefits should be extended again?
The problem is the perception that as long as people can get unemployment, they won't worry about finding a new job. While 90% of the people currently on unemployment might think that is ridiculous, all it takes is one example in our life - a relative, neighbor, whatever - to make if feel real.
Then there is the emotional response we tend to feel as HR professionals. Those of us lucky enough to be with employers who don't have layoffs can experience a knee-jerk reaction that equates drawing unemployment with being unwilling to work or prone to being fired. It's easy to be supportive of the employees of a small-town manufacturer that goes out of business... we just want to screen out the bum that we fired for showing up hung over too many times.
Best choice: find a way out of this economic mess.
By a 60-40 vote -- the bare minimum required to overcome the threat of a filibuster -- the Senate has voted to cut off debate on a bill extending jobless benefits through November for those who have already used up their standard 26 weeks of aid. If the Senate (as expected) officially passes the measure by the same vote later today (as expected), it means Congress will have followed the first option (above) in Wendi's quickie poll. tk
I've noticed that while we are hiring, we're definitely keeping those purse strings pretty tight when it comes to salary ranges. We've had to say no to a few awesome candidates because they were asking too much.
Anyone else experiencing salary/hiring woes?
Most of the top companies got to the top in difficult times, not in good times. They put distance between themselves and their competitors because their competitors were too busy complaining about what couldn't be done. HR can be a huge help in that regard - be self-aware, accentuate your positives, treat people fairly, set higher expectations of your current employees, and find the best new hires you can.