Ideas Please

I could really use your ideas.
I may have mentioned that this year I am Co-Chair of our annual state SHRM conference. It will be held September 23-25 in Topeka.
About 2-3 weeks ago I got a note from our Door Prize Chair. She decided to step down, and then told me she had NO prizes. Nothing. Nada. Zip.
I tried to find a new Chair, but since our chapter is so small there are not too many I could ask. I didn't find anyone. So my Co-Chair, myself, and a 3rd person are going to try to find some good door prizes in the next month. With everything else we are working on, it will be lots of fun.
So far we have sent out an eblast to our exhibitors and sponsors, and we have received some small items (pens, koozies, notebooks, post-its, etc) we can bundle together. I also have a 2009 50 Laws for 50 States book by M Lee Smith.
Now I need to find more contributions. I am meeting with the other 2 next Tuesday to brainstorm. I expect to divide up the telephone book, as well as contacting Visit Topeka. Do any of you have any other ideas? Do you know of any trick or tool that has worked well for you in the past? Do any of you have anything your company would like to contribute so they can get the exposure?
Please give me your wisdom oh mighty forumites. I await your inspiring words with great anticipation. :usa flag:
I may have mentioned that this year I am Co-Chair of our annual state SHRM conference. It will be held September 23-25 in Topeka.
About 2-3 weeks ago I got a note from our Door Prize Chair. She decided to step down, and then told me she had NO prizes. Nothing. Nada. Zip.

I tried to find a new Chair, but since our chapter is so small there are not too many I could ask. I didn't find anyone. So my Co-Chair, myself, and a 3rd person are going to try to find some good door prizes in the next month. With everything else we are working on, it will be lots of fun.
So far we have sent out an eblast to our exhibitors and sponsors, and we have received some small items (pens, koozies, notebooks, post-its, etc) we can bundle together. I also have a 2009 50 Laws for 50 States book by M Lee Smith.
Now I need to find more contributions. I am meeting with the other 2 next Tuesday to brainstorm. I expect to divide up the telephone book, as well as contacting Visit Topeka. Do any of you have any other ideas? Do you know of any trick or tool that has worked well for you in the past? Do any of you have anything your company would like to contribute so they can get the exposure?

Please give me your wisdom oh mighty forumites. I await your inspiring words with great anticipation. :usa flag:
Also good are hotels (usually provide a 1-2 night stay), restaurants, art galleries, and businesses that rent equipment.
The key, as you probably know, is to make personal contact and try to find some way to thank the organization for the gift. For example, could your SHRM group offer a free 90 minute employment consultation by your members to each organization that contributes an item?
I like the idea of trading HR time. I will have to make sure I have some people who are willing to do it. Hmmm. The Co-Chair just retired a week ago....
If you know someone who details cars (even if they are not a professional) that is a GREAT gift. My brother details cars for his friends and families. He puts about 3 hours into each car but they are CLEAN when he's done.