Notification Policy or Procedures

We have our first defense contract that will require employees to deploy to Iraq for 6 month rotations. We have DBA insurance quotes but we don't have a policy in place for notification procedures if something bad happened to an employee while deployed.
Does anyone have a policy for notifying family members of employees if a serious injury or death occurs? We will be the ones notified of injury or death and then we will have to be the ones to notify the family.
We have all employees provide HR with emergency contact information but I don't think this will be sufficient for the deployed employees.
I'd like to have a procedure in place that says if we get that call in the middle of the night we'll put an executive on a flight to the families home, maybe stop and bring the family minister etc. I'm not sure how far we should go or what might be expected. Is anyone out there a small defense contractor with folks in a war zone that can help?
Does anyone have a policy for notifying family members of employees if a serious injury or death occurs? We will be the ones notified of injury or death and then we will have to be the ones to notify the family.
We have all employees provide HR with emergency contact information but I don't think this will be sufficient for the deployed employees.
I'd like to have a procedure in place that says if we get that call in the middle of the night we'll put an executive on a flight to the families home, maybe stop and bring the family minister etc. I'm not sure how far we should go or what might be expected. Is anyone out there a small defense contractor with folks in a war zone that can help?
Our plan is a written plan that covers such issues as: Emergency Task List, Victim Assistance, Family Assistance, Employee Assistance, as well as outside resources.
The plan details how to deal with the media, how to notify the family, how to deal with emloyees, assistance with returning remains to the family and much more.
I will be happy to share the name and phone number or the folks that put this plan togeather. We have had to use it (twice) and found it to be a big help.
They allow private businesses to access their templates and unless they've changed their policy do not charge anything. When I used it, they did ask me to acknowledge them as providing a template, etc. (re written credit at front of plan document).
Hope this helps.