April 15th

Okay, so to make tomorrow an even worse day for my employees - I get to pass out their quarterly 401k summary. Only the 3 codgers who are now fully invested in Preservation Funds (I am one) didn't lose money. Are the rest of the folks just in bad funds or is this something you have seen as well? I folllow the market and wouldn't have thought the losses would have been so substantial.
Anyone out there who still hasn't finished their taxes and is willing to admit to it?
Anyone out there who still hasn't finished their taxes and is willing to admit to it?

If you want - next year I will keep your $80 and earn interest on it until the 15th :angel:
I did our taxes last week and we got a whole $88 federal refund this year. I knew we were going to come close to breaking even and didn't care, as long as we didn't end up owing them. We haven't had state income tax here in many years, although I do remember having to do them the first couple of years that I was on my own.
We got large refunds this year, but normally we get a refund from the feds and pay the state. My hubby works for the state and while his state retirement deductions are federally deductible, they are not state deductible. Go figure.
Even with the recent increases in the market, our total plan is still down 25-30% from its high point.
I also do not get the Federal & State tax swap. If I get back from the Fed's - I have to pay the State and vice versa.
We visit our friendly nieghborhood CPA this evening to get the news - good I hope.
Hope you got good news at the CPA! I'm still working on my brother's, nephew's and parents' returns. Today should be a fun day :-/
Jo, I am sure you got them finished last night...right?
We got in the habit of using a CPA firm for taxes when we ran a beef cattle operation and have simply continued to use them. Sure do miss all those "farm" expenses.
Since the economy could be called a 'disaster area' why didn't they give everyone a pardon on taxes this year? That is a plan I could get behind - I would even stand behind a Pantsless Frank for it. BTW nice new photo Frank, very professional - did you shave the beard because Moustache March is over?
We got in the habit of using a CPA firm for taxes when we ran a beef cattle operation and have simply continued to use them. Sure do miss all those "farm" expenses.[/quote]
My brother in law has a 'cattle farm' in Florida (15 acres and about as many cows) and they get money back every year. Not sure I understand his deductions for chaw and moonshine, but I apparently don't understand alot of things! :angel:
You do realize that even with the presidential pardon until May 11th, I still have the option of filing an extension which will postpone the date until October.**==
But Jo, you wouldn't do that would you?