Emails and logging in

I haven't received any email forum notifcations since the 26th did you stop sending them?
How do I get the system to remember me?
If I am being graded on my computer skills I know I get an "F", so please be patient with me as I try to learn this new and improved system.
How do I get the system to remember me?
If I am being graded on my computer skills I know I get an "F", so please be patient with me as I try to learn this new and improved system.
I am enjoying playing with the new system. It is very interesting to see all the improvements.
I still am not getting emails does anyone know how to fix that or if HRHERO
With the updated forum, you will need to log in and select which forums you want to receive notification e-mails from. When you log in, select a forum you are interested in, such as "HR & Employment Law". Then on the right side of the title bar (the blue bar that says 'Threads in Forum'), click on 'Forum Tools', and then 'Subscribe to this Forum' from the drop-down menu. You will see another drop-down menu in the center of the page which will allow you to select to receive an e-mail either daily or weekly. You will need to do this process for each forum you want to receive updates about.
I hope this helps.
Please contact me with any additional questions.
Best Regards,
David Garvey
Electronic Publishing Assistant
M. Lee Smith Publishers LLC
615-661-0249 ext 8063