Is it just me?

Or is something up with I posted responses to several threads on Friday and they are gone. And my PM inbox is missing new messages but some old ones were resuscitated.
(I originally posted this thread in HR-de-har-har but it makes more sense to be here...)
(I originally posted this thread in HR-de-har-har but it makes more sense to be here...)
Tony Kessler
(615) 661-0249 x 8068
Regarding the problem we're still having today with the new server, Jim Robb says he has figured out how to restore the missing posts and is doing so as we speak. On the question of why they're disappearing in the first place, well, that may take us a little more time to figure out. Jim is working on it, too. Sorry about the problem. We need some coffee, too, I think. tk
p.s. For this particular thread, the "reply" numbers jump from 3 to 7 because Jim was sending several "test messages" (4 through 6), which he then deleted.