Missing Thread

Is there a thread missing here? I remember something about someone in Texas having issues with bilingual employees not using understandable grammar. I know the poster received a couple cheap shots, so is that why it got removed? Or was it too sensitve a subject? Or am I imagining this whole thing?
If the answer is "C", it won't be the first time.
If the answer is "C", it won't be the first time.
I didnt see the thread so I dont know how bad it got.
Personally, I figure leave the stuff up. Let people have to stand by their words, ill-chosen and offensive or not.
There is probably a very rare time when its appropriate to totally delete a post that is over the top or defamatory but that should be a last resort.
Neither were from Texas, but there were forumites from Texas who posted to the first of those messages.
If you'll tell me more about the content of the thread or how long ago it appeared, I'll try to help you find it.
Very strange.
Hope that helps, Wendy. I know in the past, there have been threads that got inadvertantly dropped into cyberspace and then they somewhat got restored. I was just curious. No witch hunt intended.
I'll keep looking into it. If it was deleted, maybe that person can try to post again.
If any thread should be deleted, it would be the stupid "threads that wont die" over in the Har De Har Har forum.
If certain sums of money were to be sent to certain paypal accounts, it could be arranged for certain forum members to begin complaining about your role as forum moderator thus liberating you from said duty.
But how could I really pass up the fun of spending a week every couple of months or so moderating the forum? I'd have to find some other form of entertainment to distract me from editing employment law newsletters and HR Hero Line.
I do hope we solve this mystery about the missing thread.
And Tony, no amount of flattery is getting you out of forum duty next week
I thought I removed Ray!
When I went to try to delete one of my own threads (Son of Thread) I couldn't figure out how you do it.
That doesn't mean its not possible but it wasn't apparent to me at least.
Now that the Imus scandal is winding down, we need something new to talk about.
ThreadGate 07!
I would really like to see that thread go back up because we have similar problems at our company, and I was hoping the thread could help give me some good ideas.
It would be a shame to have something that could have helped others go away so mysteriously.....
The problem is that the people I need to confirm that with are not available today. I or someone else will get back with the answer by the first of next week.
I am attempting to position myself as the Rev. Sharpton of ThreadGate 2007.
When a new thread is posted, the weekly Forum monitor receives an automatic notification that contains the thread and its contents. Because last week's monitor Wendi Watts still hadn't cleaned out her leftover e-mails, we were able to retrieve the message. Here it is, with a couple of minor edits (for example, I've corrected the spelling of the word "grammar").
"Bilingual Grammar"
Posted by RACarson
We hired 16 bilingual (Spanish/English) employees for a new client 90 days ago. The client is now stating that the grammar of some of the employees is not proper or professional and is not being understood by English speaking customers. Do you have any suggestions on correcting grammar usage of employees who speak English as a 2nd language? Documenting/ corrective action plan?
I am going to restart the "Bilingual Grammar" thread on RACarson's behalf and sincerely hope that (1) it doesn't disappear again and (2) some of you will chime in with advice. On Thursday, the "Missing Thread" thread will be moved to the "How to Use the Forum" section. Please let all your friends know so that no one will feel the need to start a "Missing 'Missing Thread'" thread!
If you have any further questions or concerns, please let me know.
Tony Kessler, 615/661-0249, ext. 8068
Oh, wait a minute. I think that was already done a few years ago.
Seeeeeeeee, Paul? There ARE people out there like me! x:D Tony is my new hero.