Still slow motion

Christy I have attempted to tell you several times per your request, that the server is slow, and when. Now I see none of those messages have gone through..'not accepted by server...' I dob't know yours or mine. But today is excruciating. (9:1 DST Tues)
Brian Holaway
Electronic Publishing Assistant
M. Lee Smith Publishers LLC
Sorry for the delay this morning. I work from my home office and experience the delays right along with you, so as soon as I see it slowing down I'm on the phone letting the folks in the MLSP building know. And I'm documenting when it's slow so we can continue to fine-tune the bandwidth issues.
I talked in depth with the Jim, the IT wizard, this morning, and completely fixing the website slowness issue is an intricate issue that can only be solved with spending some $$ and making a big transition. That's all in the plan, but we're working on the timing of when to make the big change. It's not going to be next week, but hopefully it won't be too far off. In the meantime, we are trying to balance the incoming and outgoing traffic on the website so that you won't experience gosh-awful slowness like this morning.
Believe me, I'm on the bandwagon on this one ... not only because of your feedback but also because I'm experiencing the same slowness when working on the website. I feel your pain!
Christy Reeder
Associate Website Editor