Google search

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 12-01-04 AT 03:24PM (CST)[/font][br][br][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 12-01-04 AT 03:23 PM (CST)[/font]
I was just informed about something very interesting... (unless I am just one of the last ones to know). One of my employees did a google seach on our company based on a portion of our emails address. (ex: my email address is [email][/email]) They put in only and my posting to this forum came up (it states which gives them access to the forum.
Obviously we all state things that we don't want others to read that are within our company - is there a way to put up some type of fire wall?
Thank you!
I was just informed about something very interesting... (unless I am just one of the last ones to know). One of my employees did a google seach on our company based on a portion of our emails address. (ex: my email address is [email][/email]) They put in only and my posting to this forum came up (it states which gives them access to the forum.
Obviously we all state things that we don't want others to read that are within our company - is there a way to put up some type of fire wall?
Thank you!
Anne Williams
Attorney Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers, LLC
Yes, non-members can read messages on the Forum, but with limits. They can't check profiles or use the e-mail button. So for people with cryptic screen names like nohr4u1yr, non-members can't figure out who you are unless you put your name or e-mail address in the body of a message.
I didn't realize you could use Google to hunt down someone through a Forum message like that. We certainly want to protect your privacy.
We've been planning to block non-members from reading Forum messages. There are some technical and practical issues we need to iron out -- for example, we'd like to show a sample to subscribers who are thinking of signing up for the Forum for the first time. I'm not sure when we can get all that worked out, but I'll get it moving.
James Sokolowski
Boy, do I know THAT feeling - many is the time I log on from home and want desperately to respond to some slight (real or imagined) against a position I have taken, and have not been able to... (sorry, James. Logging in from home still doesn't work for me - must be operator error) x;-)
I hope your day is going well!
Google can't give anyone access to your Forum inbox or allow anyone to post messages. That works for [b]you[/b] because you're still logged into the Forum as yourself when you go to Google. When you go from Google back to the Forum, the Forum still remembers who you are.
It's a little confusing but you can see for yourself. Try logging out of the Forum by clicking the Logout button [url][/url] then go do the Google thing. When you go from Google back to the Forum, the Forum won't recognize who you are. And you won't be able to post a message or check your Inbox until you log back in to the Forum.
Hope this clears things up. :-?
James Sokolowski