Atlanta Symposium

Not sure where do put this post-so-I shall put it here!
Is anyone going to the Atlanta Symposium? I am going and just wondered if there would be others from the forum there.
Is anyone going to the Atlanta Symposium? I am going and just wondered if there would be others from the forum there.
Margaret Morford
Is no one out there going to the Symposium?Will it be just Margaret and I at breakfast????
Now where's everybody else? You know if you don't show, Scorpio and I will just have to talk about you!
Margaret Morford
So I have to settle for a "Brand X" symposium in Sun Valley, ID. Skiing, anyone? x;-)
Margaret Morford
Thank you,
btw-Do you have any Brooklyn Pizza Parlors near you? I have only seen them in Orlando. If you do, would you bring a cheese calzone with you? I have taken them on planes before and once people figure out where that yummy smell is coming from, they are really friendly! They want some (sure beats those stale pretzels the airline serves :-)
I look forward to meeting everyone!
Margaret Morford
Anne Williams
Attorney Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers, LLC
Anne Williams
Attorney Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers, LLC
I'm not sure if we have any T-shirts in stock now. Anne can check with the HR Hero Clothing Division's North American headquarters -- it used to be in a cubicle down the hall but then it moved downstairs somewhere. x:D
James Sokolowski
p.s. I DID have my picture on the forum but the gremlin's ate it and James has not helped to put it back. So, technically, I should get a shirt, right???
James Sokolowski
Whatever IS an 'advanced' symposium anyway? Does this imply there is some secret level of information out there about HR issues that is a notch above the information we might obtain in the typical seminar? x:-)
(edit) This offer is available to female forumites only.
I'll jump in and wager a bottle, even a red one, but, I cannot pay up until November. Would your picnic basket be containing any foods that have been "mechanically separated??"
(having a bad day :-(
Anne Williams
Attorney Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers, LLC
First we have to be up and moving at 7:30 am, with our best "meet new people faces on", now, you want a picture? Nope, I shall be the one hiding under the table when it is picture time-Sorry, I have already posted a picture and it will have to suffice. I cannot speak for the others though!
Anne Williams
Attorney Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers, LLC
Scorp, you think 7:30 is early to meet people? The sadistic law firms here in Portland insist on starting their employment law seminars at 7:00 am! I'm not even in my body at 7:00 am! x;-)
As for me, I will have to get "beamed down" earlier than usual to start my day. And yes, I am whining, oh well!
I think if any x:=| get involved, we should both be reprimanded. After all, how could I let that go????? no fun