
Hey now, I know there was thread already started on "Daily DIgest" but, I was not sure if it was too old for anyone to look at! So, I have been on HRhero a month or so now, I have NEVER seen a Daily Digest. I would not know it if I fell over it....What's the deal? Are other forumites receiving it? Am I too short so I have been passed over?x:'(
I think you have to check the "yes" box under Receive Daily Digest in your profile in order to receive them. I also think that James advised that once you check yes it cannot be reversed and you will continue to receive them for life
To sign up for the Daily Digest, go to one of the main Forum pages, click on the User icon at the top, then click on "Modify your profile and set forum options," as Popeye suggests. Then if you want to receive the digest, click "yes." If you discover later, as some have reported, that the digest is kinda boring, you can then click "no." Hope this helps. tk