day late and you know the rest

if the powers that be want to turn a buck with forum then they have the right to limit access to those who fork out the money, the rest of you who want something for nothing just need to pay up or quit your sniveling. this is a capitalist society.
Of course I'm a 'paid up member' but it's doubtful I'll find time to post here very much; I don't have the same heart for it. Eventually a new group may evolve and the forum may survive. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
I recommend that all participatants who are beyond the FRAY of the non-subscibers dialogue and not invited to continue under a trial membership and subscriber participants, to remain on the side until the smoke clears. I hope each of you will continue to post your concerns for HR issues; I assure you there are plenty of us out here to provide usable information and additional resources that you will consider worth while and well worth your money.
Hope this information helps! Be looking for that $50.00 professional discount on your next subscription renewal.
Welcome to the HR Forum, regardless of what you have read over the last few days/weeks this is still the best HR information center in the chat world.
I hope all others will remain and continue to give and get the best we HR professionals can to make this stay the best HR forum.
Don't give up the ship yet.
#1 thing a consultant shouldn't say: "I could tell you the answer right now, but we're committed to a three month project..." #-o
Could you give us the condensed / non-consultant version of what your post says? Just kidding but it did spark my memory back a few years when I was involved with a consulting firm and some of their reports and findings read like federal law or regulations.
I really enjoy my monthly newsletters plus this forum. I joined for the newsletters, this forum was a bonus.
I hope you will all do what is best for you and your company, but I do hope that you find a way to stay.
Hope to see you all... tomorrow!!
You want bubble-gum pop from the 70s (1910 Fruitgum Company) or do you want a Hector Berlioz symphony?
(Now officially hijacked).
But, that does pose an interesting dilemma. The word philistine, used as a noun or an adjective and with a lower case "p", is derivative of the Philistines, a biblical-era people who inhabited an area near present day Israel. It was presumed they were culturally ignorant so their name has become associated with boorish people who have no appreciation for the arts. Was I guilty of political incorrectness? Should that word be banished from our vocabulary?
As for sporadic posting, I believe I am simply fortunate enough to not have as many issues as others on this board. I attribute it mainly to the demographics of my current employer (they are a low maintenance bunch). I have been in more industrial settings in past lives (and may return again some day) and certainly can empathize with many of the issues on this board from that, but quite simply, my questions are always on a needs-based occurrence. Compared to many here, I would suggest that they are sporadic. The qualities of the answers have generally been more than satisfactory.
I hope the board survives nicely. My original position of being sufficiently 'newslettered up' from other sources hasn't changed, and despite the last 30 days, my opinion of the board hasn't either.
#1 thing a consultant shouldn't say: "I could tell you the answer right now, but we're committed to a three month project..." #-o
This will, barring a crash, be what he wears the rest of the Tour De France as he wins a historic 6th in a row!
My $0.02 worth!
DJ The Balloonman
James Sokolowski
This site gives current status throughout the race each day.
My $0.02 worth!
DJ The Balloonman
The point is NOT whether the "venom, ego and boorishness from the recent disputes would have quickly turned me off". The focus should be on the ability to disagree, have a difference of opinion and the ability to challenge a mind-set or point of view.
In the end, you have your perception of the Forum and I have mine.
Hopefully my closing paragraph from my previous post was clear, but to be sure, let me make my point again!!! FORUM=GOOD, PERSONAL ATTACKS=BAD. Yes, I can laugh at myself as well!
PS. Thank you for the knighthood. A new high for me! I'm pleased to make your acquaintance. When can I visit the queen (or did I just do that?) Please laugh WITH me...
#1 thing a consultant shouldn't say: "I could tell you the answer right now, but we're committed to a three month project..." #-o
#1 thing a consultant shouldn't say: "I could tell you the answer right now, but we're committed to a three month project..." #-o