May we participants ask HrHero and the EMPLOYER FORUM editors to give us an ability to get into a thread, click on the check to get immediate postings, and then have the ability when we want to move on to check off the alert check. I for one have found myself trying to stay away from the forum and get company work done, but human urgeee keeps making me recheck the tread only to find it has truned to "BULL DUNG" OR "PIG MANURE".
How about it fellow forum participants all 12 of us, the other readers are to scared to jump in and spread their wisdom or joy?
May we participants ask HrHero and the EMPLOYER FORUM editors to give us an ability to get into a thread, click on the check to get immediate postings, and then have the ability when we want to move on to check off the alert check. I for one have found myself trying to stay away from the forum and get company work done, but human urgeee keeps making me recheck the tread only to find it has truned to "BULL DUNG" OR "PIG MANURE".
How about it fellow forum participants all 12 of us, the other readers are to scared to jump in and spread their wisdom or joy?
We've had this request before, and we haven't been able to figure out a way to implement it easily. We'll add it to the list of things we're evaluating for future Forum changes.
Brad Forrister
Director of Publishing
M. Lee Smith Publishers
As a suggestion, you can set-up your personal e-mail account to delete messages you don't want to receive. In this situation, you could set your account to automatically delete messages containing "personality indicator" and that will do the trick.
Also, remember that you can hit the "Alert" button at any time to alert the Forum Monitor about a post you feel is outrageous or questionable. While we won't pull every post, we will certainly look closely at the post for inappropriate content.
Anne Williams
Attorney Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers, LLC
Anne you should tell us more about the ALERT BUTTON, where is it located!
Oh, now I see it at the bottom of the page, do I click on the alert button when I read "Dandy Don's" hammering me and/or someone else. What does the remove button do? Will it allow me to remove my thread or someone else's thread, when I've become offended?
The Alert button will send a message to the Forum Monitor.
The Remove button allows the Forum Monitor to remove posts. If you want to remove your own personal post - use the Edit button to enter your message and edit it. You can delete all the text in your message.
As you can probably tell, I'm the least computer savy of the Forum Monitors here, but I hope this info helps!
Anne Williams
Attorney Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers, LLC
keep up the good work!