Help, I'm Trapped

Most will weep and few will swoon to learn there is a twin to Don D. Actually I am Don D. and am attemting from home to log on with my real personna, which I cannot accomplish. I installed a new computer tonight and the system required me to type in a brand new screen name although I tried to use the one already established. How can I be at home and still use my screen name and password that I use at work? I am somewhat cyber-challenged and can't figure it out. I suppose it's like Gillian2 and Beagle1 when they signed on at a different venue. But, I don't want to lead two lives. Can you help? Meanwhile, I feel sorta like I don't exist. No wisecracks! x:-)


  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Sorry, Don - if that is indeed your REAL name - Have to bite my tongue to keep this torrent of wisecracks from escaping.

    But, in order to be helpful and to answer your question -- I ain't got the foggiest idea how to solve your predicament. On your own, bud. x;-) I think it's payback for the kidnapping and root cellar scheme of yours and Ritaanz a couple weeks back.
  • Payback is hell my man! I have printed your response and have taken note of your levity while throwing me a non-rope. Seems like women can figure out how to eat bon bons and log on from home, but men, other than Ray, Ain't got a clue. But he also has a vanload of air conditioners and toilet water.
  • Oh dear! The Forum Police made you go poof too. Yoohoo, James where are you?
  • Don,

    I assume you can use the Forum at work but not at home? E-mail your password to me and I'll try to get to the bottom of it.

    James Sokolowski
  • Don,

    At first I thought your new company cloned you because you were spending so much time on the forum and your productivity had dropped in half.

    I am glad to find out that you are still uniquely you.

    Paul in Cannon Beach

  • I'm not usually one to start trouble, but...

    Don D, aren't you concerned that if James has your password, he'll begin sending sarcastic messages using YOUR screen name?

    Oh, wait. We won't notice the difference anyway. x:D

    OK, NOW I feel guilty for being sarcastic. x;-) I need to go home and eat some Bonbons.
  • Don D, I was afraid that there really two of you, now that would be scary!!!

    When I changed jobs last year, before I left work, I changed my email notifications to my home email. When I got my first notification at home, I used a link to hook up to the forum. I saved it as a favorite place.

    When I got my email at my new job, from home, I changed my profile's email address once again. Then I began getting the notifications back on the job and have had no problem logging in at both locations.

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