
I want to go on record as protesting the non-posting of the credentials of people whose names are adjoined to those big, bold colorful logos that indicate they are editorial or legal staff affiliated with HR Hero. It would be real nice to know who these folks are and from whence they speak. Most of them have blocked profiles. What's up with that? x:-)
Really, though, you've asked a good question, Don, and there are a couple of reasons some of them may be leary about listing that information.
First, some state bar associations limit attorneys on solicitations. For example, some states allow them to note their law firm name but they cannot say "Contact me for more information." Other state bar associations may limit or ban solicitations but not come right out and say what they consider to be unlawful soliciations, so the attorney has to make a judgment call on what he or she can list on the forum posts. Of course, the safest thing to do if you aren't sure is leave it blank.
Second, some attorneys are concerned about giving "advice" over the Internet to people with whom they don't have an attorney/client relationship. They're happy to help out with suggestions and note what the law says on a topic, but they are concerned that people will use their posts and name or law firm name as bona fide legal advice ... which [i]would[/i] be very unwise on the part of the employer.
I'm sure other attorneys out there can add to my "lay person's" explanation, but that is how I understand it. I'd rather have their help and posts without the credentials than not have their help at all. And I respect the fact that they are trying to abide by their state bar association rules. However, maybe some who CAN post their credentials (name, law firm name, newsletter name, etc.) without violating any rules will start to do so as they can.
Christy Reeder
Website Managing Editor
Groan!!! #-o I was close - if the tropical depression turns into a hurricane, it will be named Hanna. We won't get there until Sunday ... maybe the worst will be past by then. xpray
Christy Reeder
Website Managing Editor
I just returned from working with a client to find your e-mail. While I filled out my profile, I'm perfectly willing to post my rather checkered professional past for you to view. Here's the bio you wanted:
Margaret Morford is President for theHRedge, Inc., a national management consulting and training company. Her clients include Lockheed Martin, Home and Garden Television, U.S. Marine Corps, Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, The Nashville Predators (national hockey franchise), BorgWarner, Brunos Grocery Chain and the U. S. Naval Nuclear Submarine Group. Previous to owning her own company, Margaret was Sr. Vice President, Human Resources Consulting for Martin/Frankel, a national consulting firm out of Winston-Salem, North Carolina. She has a BS degree from the University of Alabama and a JD degree from the Vanderbilt University School of Law. She has worked as an attorney, specializing in employment law as well as been the Vice President of Human Resources for three large companies. She is the author of the video “Running With the Big Dogs – How to Make HR a Strategic Player.”
That's all the scandal and smutt I'm willing to share with you!
Margaret Morford
That's my opinion for what it's worth.
Not wanting to offend you, but after reading about your bottle tree, I might want to re-think wanting to be marooned on an island with you. x:D
However, I do agree with your comment on some of the posts from a few unknown experts. I too have been in HR for more years than I admit to and sometimes find their responses a little belittling. It is easier to take a suggestion if I know the person has some real background on the subject, or has "been there".