Exciting News

I thought all of you would want to know that Christy Reeder, the woman who keeps this web site functional and is always looking for answers to our questions, is expecting her first child!
We expect you to be running the Forum right up until that last contraction and work from a lap top in your hospital room. No FMLA for you, despite what we say on the Forum. We don't know what we'd do without you! Congratulations!
Margaret Morford
We expect you to be running the Forum right up until that last contraction and work from a lap top in your hospital room. No FMLA for you, despite what we say on the Forum. We don't know what we'd do without you! Congratulations!
Margaret Morford
I have been reading technical manuals, Employment Law Letters, and Employers Forum posts to the baby (they say they can hear you even before they're born) so he or she will be ready to assist on the forum as soon as we recover from the birth. It's curious ... when I mention the name Don D, I get a little kick in my side. Hmmm... x;-)
Really, tho, some of the belly laughs I get when reading forum posts MUST be good for the baby.
Christy Reeder
Website Managing Editor
Thanks, ritaanz. I'm due March 21. About 13 weeks along right now, hoping to kick the morning sickness real soon, although I haven't had it nearly as bad as some people do!
Christy Reeder
Website Managing Editor
Hmmmmm, you said "that boy" ... we don't know the sex yet, but I'm leaning in that direction, too. Two more months 'til we find that out.
>p.s: She told me all she ever did was work on the forum and camp and hike and canoe. Something ain't right here!
Oh, if that were the extent of my job duties, something WOULD be right! Next week, life will be very good, though. My hubbie and I are headed to St. George Island, FL, for a week at a house right smack on the gulf beach, so you all will have to carry on the forum nicely without me. Cross your fingers that Hurricane Helga doesn't crash our party.
Christy Reeder
Website Managing Editor
Do you want some assistance from the Forum namimg the baby? If it's a boy, we could give him a very masculine name like Sparticus Thor Reeder. Or better yet, how about Henry Robert Reeder? His initials would be HR and because you are in the south, everyone could call him Hank Bob!
Margaret Morford
Christy Reeder
Website Managing Editor
PS: I was released from the hospital on Thursday - did an unemployment hearing from home on the following Tuesday. Duty Called.
Christy Reeder
Website Managing Editor