Swanson Chicken Broth

We've discovered Swanson's Chicken Broth. In the cardboard box container, 32 oz, 100% fat free, 15 calories per cup, zero carbs, hardly any sugars. This might just be the perfect product. Even the little plastic snap-lid is perfectly designed.
This is not just a Christmas Baking thing anymore or something only old women use. Keep a box handy in the refrigerator to add to most anything: soup, roast, hash, burgers, all kinds of leftovers, chicken pie, anything that got too dry, anything that needs to be smoother or softer or kicked up a notch. It's amazing.
This is not just a Christmas Baking thing anymore or something only old women use. Keep a box handy in the refrigerator to add to most anything: soup, roast, hash, burgers, all kinds of leftovers, chicken pie, anything that got too dry, anything that needs to be smoother or softer or kicked up a notch. It's amazing.
I said to my daughter (she's 9 going on 30), "Get mommie the can opener". I of course meant the pop a hole in the can "beer opener". She proceeded to drag outside the electric can opener. After a chuckle, I said no I need the beer bottle opener. She looks at me with her head tilted side ways and says "MOM!!! I don't know what your talking about, beer bottles twist open!!"
It's sad that kids today don't know the good ole days of coke in glass bottles that you opened on the soda machine or had to use an opener for. We'll look like cavemen by the time these kids have babies.
You're referring to the old P-38 can opener. I still have one, why I don't know considering c-rats came and went long before my time. Still great for camping and such.