RC Cola and Moonpies

As part of my wife's never-ending process to change my Yankee heritage, we will be going to Bell Buckle, TN this Saturday for the RC Cola and Moonpie Festival.
Not really being a fan of either, I thought I would poll the Forum on the finer points of either delicacy.
Not really being a fan of either, I thought I would poll the Forum on the finer points of either delicacy.
I grew up drinking RC Cola, and still prefer it over Pepsi and Coca-Cola. Can't say that I am a fan of Moonpies. Taste alot like cardboard to me.
Back in my wally-world days, the stores would have contest to see which store could sell the most moonpies. The stores would go through 10's of thousands and had fun building the displays.
Hope you enjoy.
The only place to get them is on the boardwalk at Ocean City. I have tried others and they just don't taste the same. Maybe it's nostalgic.
I normally see them at gas stations, that ought to be enough to tell the sort of delicacy they really are. The vanilla and bananna are the other flaors I have seen offered. Since I have not had one for years (I just could never acquire the taste for cardboard), I cannot attest to how these flavors rate against chocolate. I think they would work well if yu needed to plug a leak, with the marshmelloe cream and the cardboard-like graham crackers, they could expand rapidly and hold a decent seal. That is about all I would say theyare good for. I stand by the s'more. Ain't nothing like the real thing!
This was over 35 years ago... even before Tab. I didn't know RC cola was still in business. (Even from the Coke state, RC's used to be the best seller down here along with grape and orange. I can remember touring the RC plant as a child.)
I hope you enjoyed this delicacy.
E Wart