Best comfort food?

The thread about mac and cheese made me wonder what all the Forumites consider to be their favorite comfort foods. Care to share any recipes? To this day, one of my favorite comfort foods is Top Ramen, which takes me back to college when I didn't have alot of money for food.
Any other time-chocolate, chocolate, chocolate.
Or on a lazy Sunday grilled cheese sandwiches.
(See: Don's guaranteed vegetable soup, posted elsewhere on this board)
I always love hot poeach cobbler as well. Instead of cake on my birthday, I beg ny wife to make me a peach cobbler. Reminds me of grandma!
Mine is Cincinnati chili. My mom would send me back to college with pounds of it after a break.
Toast two slices of bread. Place a slice of amercian cheese between, smoosh, and enjoy.
It isn't the real thing, but as long as you have access to a toaster, it's better than nothing. I had these sandwiches at our across the street neighbors from age 5 on up, on break from playing Barbies.
I have also heard they make a frozen, crustless grilled cheese. Not sure what the cooking instructions are, and I'm sure they cost an arm and a leg. There is also a PB&J variety, I believe.
edit: And I guess I'm just naturally suspicious of any "meal" that comes packaged complete with its own laxative.
If all else fails...ICE CREAM.
No, I'm not pregnant (my wife always asks when she sees me eating this).
Four fried chicken wings and 3 beers on a tailgate.
Rocky road ice-cream with three extra crunched Oreos (after everybody else has gone to bed)
These are for three separate occasions. I don't know if it's comfort food or stress relief or just another symptom of OCD.
Sometimes mac n cheese (nothing fancy) works, and sometimes just a peanut butter (NO jelly) sandwich and a glass of milk. Actually a glass of milk with each of these makes them most comfortable.
Soup of most any kind is most comforting to me. I love tomatoe soup on a rainy day. Creamy soups in the winter and clear soups in the summer. Crackers are optional.
Cheryl C.
Peanut butter and cheese sandwich. Works best on white bread. Here's the kicker: adhere the cheese to one slice of the bread with Miracle Whip(R). Gives the sandwich a bit of a bite, and keeps it from all glomming *edit (meant "cleaving to")* the roof of your mouth.
glom Slang [Probably from Scots glam, to snatch at.]
v. glommed, glom·ming, gloms
v. tr.: To steal. To seize; grab. To look or stare at.
v. intr.: To seize upon or latch onto something: “The country has glommed onto the spectacle of a wizard showman turning the tables on his inquisitors” (Mary McGrory).
n. A glimpse; a look.
So I'm guessing I learned it with reference to the secondary definition - to seize upon. For example, peanut butter, cheese and white bread will seize up your whole mouth without some kind of thinner or lubricant like mayo. x:9 However, with your question, I discovered that I've been inappropriately using the word glom.
x;-) -Abby
I thought "glom" basically meant to stick annoyingly and not let go. "To seize" isn't that far off.
Large piece of beef round steak (however much you want!)
Salt and pepper the meat, cut into serving size pieces (again, however big you want). Dredge in flour (make sure you get lots of flour on it)and then place in a heavy skillet in which you have preheated about 1/4 to 1/2 inch of hot oil. Cook uncovered until meat is brown and crispy on both sides.
Add enough water to completely cover the meat, add one whole chopped up onion, some salt and pepper, cover and cook on low heat about an hour or until the water has cooked down into the most wonderful gravy you have ever tasted. (stir every once in a while to get the goodies that stick to the bottom of the skillet) Check to see if you need more salt. Serve with white rice.
This comforts me like no other meal!