Muckshoo (or however you spell it)
Must have a well seasoned iron skillet to begin making this very colorful side dish.
In the iron skillet saute:
Some chopped up bacon
Some chopped up onion
Some chopped up red and greeen peppers
After a while add either corn cut from the cob or frozen corn and heat through. (If you're really hard up I suppose you could use canned corn.)
Add a little olive oil if your bacon was too lean and didn't render.
Salt and pepper to taste.
Put a plate of this on top of your head and your tongue will slap your brains out trying to get at it.
In the iron skillet saute:
Some chopped up bacon
Some chopped up onion
Some chopped up red and greeen peppers
After a while add either corn cut from the cob or frozen corn and heat through. (If you're really hard up I suppose you could use canned corn.)
Add a little olive oil if your bacon was too lean and didn't render.
Salt and pepper to taste.
Put a plate of this on top of your head and your tongue will slap your brains out trying to get at it.
Seriously, this sounds very much like making an omelette but you left out the scrambled egg and pepper.
I would still place the beer can first. Then, using a small plate, balance the plate on the beer can. If she starts moving around too much you might have to rethink the process. I know how things can get "out of hand".
This is NOT an omelette. Repeat. This is NOT an omelette. Had this been an actual omelette, you would have been instructed to go to your nearest non-stick pan.
Try this and let me know what you think. It's simple, colorful, and has a delicious blend of flavors.
(I grew up on the other side of the state from you.)