Diabetic recipes?

I'm on the hunt for the best diabetic-friendly recipes out there. My dad was just diagnosed with Type-2, so Mom & I are working on a new cookbook for the family. I've found some great websites out there, but wondered if any of my fellow Forumites had any favorites or any experience with this. Anyone?
I'm sorry it took me so long to think of this, but I subscribe to a recipe magazine called Light & Tasty ([url]www.lightandtasty.com[/url]) which is also available in many grocery store check out lanes. They have nutrition information in most if not all recipes, and I think it comes out every two months or so. This company puts out several magazines including several cooking magazines and this one isn't my favorite, but I am lucky enough to not have to cook to dietary restrictions.
How is your dad doing?
My mom is diabetic. She has been able to control her diabetes strictly through diet. The American Diabetes Foundation publishes several cookbooks. They're available at major booksellers.
Also, she tells me that the south beach diet recipe books are diabetic friendly.
Good luck.
Anyway, let me know if you're still looking for recipes, I have a bunch. Hope your dad is adjusting well.
I would so appreciate that. [email]carole.owen@bgfh.com[/email]