Bush's plan to privatize Social Security

To all of you who supported the President's plan to privatize Social Security my question is what do you think would have happened to the current large surplus in the SS fund in light of today's market condition.
Moon in LA
Moon in LA
>the condition of the Social Security system. Several posters insisted that SS
>had no surplus (incorrect) and the President's proposal to privatize would
>save the system. Can any of you now defend your original position. If the
>current situation is allowed to continue I don't see Socialism as the outcome
>but rather see Fascisim as the end result.
I was enjoying the eclipse. I look forward to the wane.
edit: went down again
Actually Moon, you are correct. Let me quote and paraphrase from Dr. Gene Edward Veith's book, [i]Modern Fascism[/i].
"Ernst Nolte has defined fascism as 'the practice and violent resistance to transcendence.' Whereas the Judeo-Christian tradition focuses on a transcendent God and a transcendent moral law, fascist spirituality is centered upon what is tangible. Nature and the community assume the mystical role they held in the ancient mythological religions. Religious zeal is displaced away from the transcendent onto the immanent: the land, the people, the blood, the will."
Martin Heidigger, an influential 20th century philosopher who expounded existentialist thought so common to the modern left was an ardent Nazi and follower of Hitler. It is impossible to separate his philosophy from his politics.
Paul De Man was a proponent of deconstructionism, another key philosophy extant in today's liberal thinking. De Man was a propagandist for pro-Nazi publications.
Carl Jung flirted with fascism. Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, promoted the same eugenics used by WWII era Germany.
"The influence of Marxist scholarship has severely distorted our understanding of fascism. Communism and fascism were rival brands of socialism. Whereas Marxist socialism is predicated on an international class struggle, fascist national socialism promoted a socialism centered in national unity. Both communists and fascists opposed the bourgeisie."
"Fascist economic theory addresses the problem of alienation by positing a unified, collective economy."
Fascism, as practiced in Nazi Germany, used controls such as abortion and euthanasia, both favored by liberals today. Their basis for morality was usefulness to society, again a liberal construct.
So, I question, just which side is taking us toward a fascist state?
Monday closed down 504 at 10,918
Tuesday - closed up 142 at 11,059
Wednesday - closed down 449 at 10,610
Thursday - Closed up 410 at 11,020
If you are keeping count that is still down 401 for the week.
I can hardly wait to see what happens next. Just encourage your ee's not to check their 401(k) account balances for awhile....
Dutch, I peeked.... my 401k is right back where it started on Monday. Carry on.