Gasoline Prices

So, what is everyone paying these days for gas? In this area it is going for $4.09 up to $4.35 just for regular. Seems to be a wide range.
Predictions were that it would hit $5 by July 4th. I think it has in CA.
I just bought another car and when I filled the tank for the first time, I read in the owner's manual it is supposed to take 91 octane - uh oh.... now I have to buy the expensive gas.
Predictions were that it would hit $5 by July 4th. I think it has in CA.
I just bought another car and when I filled the tank for the first time, I read in the owner's manual it is supposed to take 91 octane - uh oh.... now I have to buy the expensive gas.
I doubt I am saving very much in gas as my commute is less than 2 miles but I have lost 4 lbs.
I figure one bad fall and the emergency room bill will negate any gas savings.
>$4.09 up to $4.35 just for regular. Seems to be a wide range.
>Predictions were that it would hit $5 by July 4th. I think it has in CA.
>I just bought another car and when I filled the tank for the first time, I
>read in the owner's manual it is supposed to take 91 octane - uh oh.... now I
>have to buy the expensive gas.
Going for $3.74 at the Hwy 411S Wal-Mart in Maryville, TN. Of course these cars run pretty good on moonshine also, but the price of it is going up to. Something to do with the price of gas for hauling it from the mountains...................................!
But; does it smell like fried fish or such in your neighborhood?
If someone could figure out a way to make fuel out of all the kudzu we have growing around here we wouldn't have to worry about fuel prices.
In my part of Texas I have seen gas from $3.62 to 4.06. The $3.62 is at a station that just opened and is trying to get business. The lowest at most stations has been $3.89.
I have seen a lot more people riding scooters around here lately. Part of that could be because there is an outfit in town that rents them to tourists during the summer, but I also see a lot of people riding them to and from work.
Gas here is between 4.09-4.17.
I heard driving the speed limit is supposed to help with gas mileage. I tried it for a day and pretty much got my doors blown off while driving on I-10. I'm surprised nobody rear-ended me. It's not worth it - I'll just find other ways to save money.