The "OR" game

I saw this on another forum. Its called the "Or" game. Its pretty simple. I post two choices and anyone can choose whichever one they want. Then they post two choices for the next poster and so on...
I'll get started.
Boxers or briefs.
I'll get started.
Boxers or briefs.
Fries or onion rings?
Capt Kirk or Capt Picard
Chocolate shake or malt?
Paper or Plastic?
Summer or winter?
Summer or winter?
Coffee or espresso
Mustard or Mayo?
Dog or cat?
7-Up or Sprite?
Smoking or non-smoking
Ketchup or plain?
Rock or Country?
Rock or country?
Vegas or Disneyland
Spaghetti or tacos?
Love or Money
"The Office" or your office
Miller Lite or Bud Light?
Coke or Pepsi?
Regis or Kathy Lee
Taste Great or Less Filling?
Coffee or mustard?
ACLU or A Team
Pen or Pencil?
No pants or pantsuit
Printing or cursive?
office or cubicle