Employee Assistance - Gas Prices

Our ee's have been asking if we are going to do anything as a result of the high cost of gas. We've put together several options, one of which is going to a 4 day work week which will reduce travel time by 20%. Are any of the rest of you considering anything like that?
As housing prices skyrocketed on the coast, we are still able to hire and house our employees. Plus, for most of them, the commute involves walking across the street.
All we have done as an organization is to encourage combining trips and reduce unneccessary travel.
If you ever stop posting suddenly, we'll know what happened.
Is that better?
My assistant also brought up a good point. She said even if we allowed this to "save on gas", how many people do you think are going to sit home on a day off? They will be out driving around and doing things on that day off....so where is the gas savings? (unless, you have a very long commute).
Saving gas and excercising! Go me!
I know you live on the coast, so I have to ask. Are you talking about a surfing longboard or a skateboard longboard?
I am riding a "long board" which is a skateboard that is well... longer and suited for cruising.
I'll post a photo sometime for you all to make fun of.