For Word Nerds

This is from an email that's been circulating for a while. From the looks of this week's activities (or lack of), my Forum friends need something new for entertaniment. x:D
Change one letter of the last word posted and let's see who gets stuck and can't continue!
Rules: You cannot add letters. You cannot use foreign languages. You can only change one letter.
Here goes;
Just kidding. Here's the real starting word. Someone please change a letter to make a new word, so I can at last feel my existence on the Forum is validated.
Change one letter of the last word posted and let's see who gets stuck and can't continue!
Rules: You cannot add letters. You cannot use foreign languages. You can only change one letter.
Here goes;
Just kidding. Here's the real starting word. Someone please change a letter to make a new word, so I can at last feel my existence on the Forum is validated.
Actually, I am amazed somone could spell "Supercalifragalisticexpialodocious"
New word:
Oops, Frank types faster than I do.
Oh yes, check it out.
thoop is an online photography gallery containing photography and photo art by Anthony Jones.
I say instead of troop to thoop we go from troop to troup.
I love games like this!
Nae types fast, sorry!
You are changing the subject to distract us because you can't think of a letter change for froth.... x;-)
I'll help you;
Frosh (short for freshman)
I'm leapfrogging the objection to frosh.
That's what you call Paris Hilton, when you are slurring from drinking too much hooch. x:D
And please be sure it is a full one.