John Phillips Comedy Gold

From John Phillips' new blog:
"At the end of taping the first Danger Zones for Supervisors training series about 10 years ago, we did a spoof training segment just for the heck of it. At the most recent AEIS in Las Vegas, we showed the spoof for the first time in years–just for the heck of it."
Several folks have asked John where they could go to see this video again, so we thought we'd post it here for your enjoyment!
"At the end of taping the first Danger Zones for Supervisors training series about 10 years ago, we did a spoof training segment just for the heck of it. At the most recent AEIS in Las Vegas, we showed the spoof for the first time in years–just for the heck of it."
Several folks have asked John where they could go to see this video again, so we thought we'd post it here for your enjoyment!
Ragee, Thanks for sharing.
Ok, this clip is not too bad. I like the line "Can you pay a cat less than a dog?"
The only problem with the clip are the people laughing. Come on, haven't they ever watched Saturday Night Live? You dont laugh during the bit.
More cowbell.
-- Las Vegas, Sept. 25 and 26 (preconference sessions on Sept. 24); and
-- Nashville, Oct. 16 and 17 (precons on Oct. 15).
Joannie, it was great meeting you! I promise to keep all the things you told me about Paul secret. Yes, jdn, most of the speakers hang around after their talks and enjoy discussing their topics further. Hope to meet you at one of these events next year. Tony