Good News!

I just received notice from the AG Office, Civil Rights Division, that an employee's discrimination charge against us has been dismissed!!!
Specifically, it says the information obtained is not sufficient to establish employer violations of the Civil Rights Act. It also states "This dismissal [b]does not[/b] reflect a finding by the Civil Rights Division that a practice made unlawful by ARS 41.-1401 did or did not occur."
I had to read it several times before I allowed myself to get excited.
We won! (Or we [i][u]did not lose,[/u][/i] to state it more correctly.)
Specifically, it says the information obtained is not sufficient to establish employer violations of the Civil Rights Act. It also states "This dismissal [b]does not[/b] reflect a finding by the Civil Rights Division that a practice made unlawful by ARS 41.-1401 did or did not occur."
I had to read it several times before I allowed myself to get excited.
We won! (Or we [i][u]did not lose,[/u][/i] to state it more correctly.)
Until the employee decides to see if he or she fares better in civil court.
But still, congratulations on this step. Let's hope this is the end of it.
The one referenced above, and the second was via a phone call from our attorney.
In the 2nd case, the ee filed with AG Office, which deferred jurisdiction to the EEOC. The EEOC did not act quickly enough for the ee's taste, so she requested the Notice of Right to Sue, which she received. The ee then filed civil suit for obscene amounts of money.
After a year of very serious drama, she simply disappeared. Our atty filed for dismissal, which the judge responded to in our favor, via email, this week. We are waiting on the letter.
This one, I hesitate to get really excited about, because we did not "win." She simply disappeared, stopped responding to court and atty requests. I am waiting for her to resurface.
Still, I'll take even the little victories.
Now, we have just one employment discrimination claim pending instead of three.
Whatever will I do with all the free time? x;-)