Remote Layoffs

Read in the news today that Radio Shack laid off 400 employees notifying them by email. I'm not sure which is more surprising, the method of notification or that they still had than many ee's. Would've made my job much easier last Friday if I had done that.
How did you end up doing it? Did you call people into a conference room and let them know?
Still reeling over the lack of sensitivity, the robotic method, the implications...........
Does anyone have the name of the "decision-maker" who orchestrated this? No doubt moved to a country where extradition is not possible, probably with a large bank account. xx(
This makes HR look bad all across the country, causes fear in every employee who works on a computer, and what can we do to change this? I imagine some of the ensuing litigation will decide this for us. And if it doesn't... xpray