Now I've gone and done it (resigned)

My last day in the world of HR will be August 25. I'm dropping everything and running off to the beach.
No, really, I did resign my position, but the bosses insist I stick around for three weeks to "wrap things up." I've not liked this job since I got it three and a half years ago, and now that I have very little tying me to this town since my husband died, I'm seriously considering moving. I've not been trying to figure out what I should do with the rest of my life, but rather how much I can get away with and for how long. I've decided that I'm going to go back to school and FINALLY get my BS in computers, and see where in the world that will take me. But first I'm going to go shave my head, get a tattoo and a tan. (Not really!)
I may pop back in here from time to time after I leave, if just for the entertainment value. I would like, however, to express my appreciation to the members of this forum for their insightfullness, their willingness to share advice and experiences, their ability to pull up short on the leash, and their general frankness and honesty. I feel I learned a lot. You all have a very valuable tool here at your fingertips - don't abuse it.
No, really, I did resign my position, but the bosses insist I stick around for three weeks to "wrap things up." I've not liked this job since I got it three and a half years ago, and now that I have very little tying me to this town since my husband died, I'm seriously considering moving. I've not been trying to figure out what I should do with the rest of my life, but rather how much I can get away with and for how long. I've decided that I'm going to go back to school and FINALLY get my BS in computers, and see where in the world that will take me. But first I'm going to go shave my head, get a tattoo and a tan. (Not really!)
I may pop back in here from time to time after I leave, if just for the entertainment value. I would like, however, to express my appreciation to the members of this forum for their insightfullness, their willingness to share advice and experiences, their ability to pull up short on the leash, and their general frankness and honesty. I feel I learned a lot. You all have a very valuable tool here at your fingertips - don't abuse it.
Cheryl C.
By the way, we have a very good Computer program just a bit east of you....
Keep your faith in God and you will have help in making the right decisions...
Good luck to you,
ps: I strongly recommend that you really put some more thought into shaving your head before you do so.
Are you saying Westminster has a good set of computer courses?
Best of luck to you...
Please stop in occasionally to let us know how you're doing.
Seriously, best wishes in your next endeavours. Change can be scary but its also exciting. New challenges, new horizons!
Thanks for being part of the forum family.
And this is one of the reasons: [url][/url]
I've found me a rocker dude / boy toy. It was his suggestion to head to the beach...
Good luck!
If you are used to the midwest though, no problem. lol
When you get finished with your escapade and complete school we not only have both Micron Technologies and Hewlett Packard based here in Boise, but we have some of the most beautiful mountains, fishing, camping, hot springs, ski resorts, ATV trails, and Snowmobiling anywhere in the world.
I just went on a fantastic trip down the Payette River in some of the most trecherous and exciting white water rapids in the nation.
I wouldn't live anywhere else in the world and you are welcome to our state.
Sorry you are leaving the list, but yes, HR can be very challenging at times.
Oh, and to set the record straight - I really do like my duties as an HR professional - I enjoy most of the challenges. But the agency where I work is going through turmoil and everyone is scrabbling for position before some major administrative changes are foisted on us in the next two years, and I'm not a power broker. I'd be pushed out eventually, anyway, so I figure I ought to just move on before I become totally disillusioned with social/civil service.
I am actually going to do just that in a few years. We bought a cabin in a little mountain town a few hundred feet from the Payette and when we retire we will be there.