Who Needs Texas



  • I'm melting!!!!!

    Good ole' GA is having typical July weather. We finally hit 100 last Saturday and it's been nasty all week. The problem with Augusta is that we're in a little valley. So today we have a "stagnant air/poor quality" alert. We go thru this every summer, but everyone acts like a heat wave has never happened before. Most folks expect it. Last night at 9:30pm, it was still 92 degrees. Yuck!
  • Well, I started this thread complaining about the heat. Today, is nearly perfect. It's 88, low humidity and hardly a cloud in the sky. Very unusual for this part of NY. Just got back from lunch with a couple of beautiful women and wondering why.
  • Wondering why the weather's perfect or why you were lucky enough to have lunch with two beautiful women?
  • Why I came back to work.
  • I wonder that every day. Today -- no exception.

  • Me too...It's 82 degrees with a light breeze and low humidity. Nice day to take a picnic to the beach. Anyone want to join me?
  • At 2:53 it was 105 in Topeka, KS with an index of 112. Humidity 29%.

    And my sock are tan.
  • Welcome to the forum even though you wear socks in your sandals. :-)
  • I was in Manchester last year in September just before your flooding. Went through the White(?) mountains and the ocean. Loved the state and the people!

    PS: Surprised you didn't comment on me only wearing one sock. :)
  • OK, Toto, since you brought it up, I'll bite. Why do you wear only one sock?
  • Toto said "my sock are tan" :>) Happens to the best of us, Toto. You know you can edit your post, and we'd never have known - just click edit at the bottom of your own post that you want to change, and you can add an s (or whatever the case may be).

    But really, this brought up a whole new amusing angle to the story. We're all picturing an HR professional walking around with one sock, trying to keep a straight face and their employees in line.

    AND to get back on topic, we've FINALLY got a break from the HEAT! Hope you all are experiencing it, too. Mmmmmm. It feels so much better already.
  • I try to preserve the dignity of others by reading s's onto their words that are s'posed to be plural (indicated by the "are"). Ok, that probably didn't make sense...it's early yet.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 07-19-06 AT 04:04PM (CST)[/font][br][br]We hit 105 at 3pm today, with a heat index of 110-115. This is the peak of the heat wave, so we are hoping to drop to the upper 80's by this weekend. We can hope.

    Edit: I see Toto and I are on the same page. If only someone would put the match out! xpray

  • our weather forecast for today was "steamy"

    That's all: "Steamy"

    99 today, 97 tomorrow and woo-hoo!! only 90 on Sunday, but thunderstorms. I noticed Anchorage's high today is 68. We won't see that until November!
  • Here in the Northwest Portland/Vancouver) we are supposed to be getting high 90's to low 100's Friday thru Sunday. The nice thing is that the humidity will be 15-20% so it is bearable.
  • 15-20%!!! Wow! Bring the chapstick.
  • Our humidity dropped a little too. That's why that even though it hit 106 yesterday, the heat index was still only 112. It had been hitting that all week, even when we were several degrees cooler so the 106 didn't seem too (I say too) bad.

    It is still hot today, but they are saying the relief they are getting in NE today will come down here by tomorrow. Yipee! BRING IT ON!!!!

  • I'll try to push it south, Nae. :>) It's cooler today (cloudy), but I'm trying to pick beans in my garden and it is STICKY. Ugh. We've gotten a little rain, but it wasn't enough. Looks like we have a good chance for some more tonight and tomorrow, though.
  • Thanks for the push. We need it!

    They are telling us possible rain tonight too. I am wondering if I should count on them or go ahead and water my lawn. It is looking pretty wilted. Come to think of it, so is everything else, including yours truly.


  • Nae, watering your lawn should do the trick (i.e, guarantee that you'll get that much-needed rain). I washed my car yesterday evening, and a big (20-minute) rainstorm just rolled through! tk
  • It worked! As of 4:00 Friday it is 74 degrees. Almost chilly. I was off work yesterday working on plumbing problems in the heat. Great timing.

    And another thank you, HRCalico for the editing info. You are right, it was a typo and no I didn't know how to edit. That's why I've always had such respect for this forum (I have been reading for 3 or 4 years) you are all so helpful and sharing of your knowledge and experience. That’s why I have been starting to share my meager thoughts and input to give a little back to the forum I have learned so much from.

    As an aside, I was going to follow in Holly’s wonderful footsteps when she posted in May “Good afternoon, all! As the newest kid on the block here at HRHero.com, I figured, "what better way to endear and introduce myself to everyone than to share a decadent recipe."

    But I didn’t get in done for my first post. Anyway, on Monday as an introduction I will bring treats. Has anyone ever had “Kitty Litter” dessert? I first brought to the office on an April 1 several years ago, and been requested to bring it back three times since then. Or, I could bring something more traditional if you think that may be too gross.
  • It's a beautiful 70-some degrees here, too, although kinda sticky because we had 1.6" of RAIN! I'm still doing a little dance and hoping my farmer will take me out for dinner tonight. :>) Anyway, I got pretty sweaty pulling weeds a while ago, that's for sure.

    Hahaha - I think I've heard of "kitty litter" dessert and maybe seen a picture but have never actually seen it myself or tried it (aren't there tootsie rolls involved?). Having had cats all my life, I just can't reconcile putting actual food in a litter box and serving it with a litter scoop - even if they are both brand new. Anyway, though, post away! In fact, if you're worried about it, post two recipes! I'd love to see that forum moving again. I haven't had any good finds in a while to put up myself though.

    Ray, I think this has become the new "thread that will never die . . . " :>)
  • I meant to say, "Who Needs Taxes" and look what happens, we end up talking about kitty litter.

    Toto, you've been hanging around about as long as I have. Keep posting and you may catch up.
  • It's downright Fall-like this morning with only 58 degrees, sunny and dry.
    I'm not complaining, mind you, but what a difference from a week ago.
    I hope others are getting a break from the heat in their area too.

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