Baseball Coach's Fit

Anybody else see the Rockies' farm team coach get booted? The video that went on, and on, and on, and then I read that after all that, he piled a bunch of stuff in front of the ump's locker room on his way out. I haven't seen the likes of a tantrum like that since I last spent time with my niece that is in her terrible twos! If I were in charge over there, I'd probably proceed directly to termination. But of course, they didn't ask me.
Granted it was a bit ridiculous going on the way he did for so long. Maybe he was trying to get his team "fired-up" by carrying on as he did.
Not much of a leadership example for our youth...
I accept your challenge. Cannon Beach could kick your Asheville any day of the week.
We have art, food, music, a huge rock, cranky locals, and puffins.
It's pretty funny actually. My favorite part is when he slams the water bottle to the ground. My three year old could show him a few tricks though.
Smace, I think your town might win the "Colorful Characters" section of our Town vs. Town showdown.