My Farewell

I am sad to say that my last day on the forum will be June 30. I pay my subscription out of my own pocket, and after a decrease in my already part-time HR hours, it just didn’t make sense any more.
An acquaintance once told me that even though I may miss the party, the party won’t miss me. In case you won’t miss me, be warned that I’ll probably be around from time to time as a lurker so don’t say anything bad about me! :>)
I definitely want to say thanks to everyone for all the guidance you’ve given me. Before I got married and switched to HRCalico, I was the very wet-behind-the-ears LJohnson. This forum really helped get my feet under me, and I’ve tried to repay the favor for other new people and can only hope I’ve been able to do so.
Since I don’t think the e-mail me icon stays active after I go inactive, if anybody wants to stay in touch my e-mail address is [email][/email]. If you aren’t junk mail, I’ll e-mail you back from my regular address. Thanks so much to those of you who have already offered to stay in touch – I look forward to hearing more from you.
Best of luck, everybody, and happy HR-ing!
An acquaintance once told me that even though I may miss the party, the party won’t miss me. In case you won’t miss me, be warned that I’ll probably be around from time to time as a lurker so don’t say anything bad about me! :>)
I definitely want to say thanks to everyone for all the guidance you’ve given me. Before I got married and switched to HRCalico, I was the very wet-behind-the-ears LJohnson. This forum really helped get my feet under me, and I’ve tried to repay the favor for other new people and can only hope I’ve been able to do so.
Since I don’t think the e-mail me icon stays active after I go inactive, if anybody wants to stay in touch my e-mail address is [email][/email]. If you aren’t junk mail, I’ll e-mail you back from my regular address. Thanks so much to those of you who have already offered to stay in touch – I look forward to hearing more from you.
Best of luck, everybody, and happy HR-ing!
We'll miss your contribution to the forum. I hope you can get FIVE more posts in before you leave and reach the 500 mark.
As you know, 500 posts earns you a complete set of HR HERO commemorative dinner plates.
Farewell Lenetta, hope you can make it back some day.
Lenetta - best of luck. We'll still be here, and the party will miss you - maybe we'll even sense your presence as you lurk. You have my email address from our recent exchanges. If you ever want me to post something for you, I'll be happy to do it and just sign your name at the bottom.
I'm a former NE girl (Omaha) but have lived in the desert for 17 years now. Drove up to visit family in March during the biggest snowstorm in years. Even got stuck overnight in York and "escaped" the next day right before they shut down I-80. I don't miss the snow and cold, but my children did get to have snowball fights and make a snowman for the first time. I watched from inside. x:-D
Also, I edited my total comp reply to you to try to make it clearer on how to get through to me - not sure how people were getting confused but maybe at least the edit will give them pause. It's confusing when you're new, I remember that.
Anyway, I'm only 13 or so miles south of I-80 so if you bring snow with you next time and need a place to hunker down, head for Heartwell!
Lenetta, there is a "Thread that will never die" just below this one that could use a few posts.
Cheryl C.
it's been fun.
We'll slip a comment
in about you from
time to time just
to give you a grin
there in lurker land!
xclap You made it past 500 and your still kickin'. Have a good 4th of July!!!
Cheryl C.