Help Needed for H'ween!

Besides the baby showers, our workplace is TOTALLY into a departmental competition for Halloween. The past 2 years I've been the only HR person, and skated by as Martha Stewart. Year 1 - blonde wig and prison stripes, Year 2 blonde wig and business suit plus large ankle bracelet. Now I have an assistant that is seriously into this as well. LOL, HR would and should never win, but we do need to show our team spirit!
I'd like to be a sort of Batman & Robin team, caped crusaders (er, sans the tights). Or maybe belly dancers (never taking off our ample veils). The LaVerne & Shirley idea blurted out from a new hire in Orientation totally turned me off - bimbos working in a beer factory...please. [OMG, is that how we came across??? EEEK!]
It might help to know that at 5PM the night before, volunteer employees cover cubicle walls from floor to ceiling with "wallpaper" representing dungeons, castles, survivor scenarios (a vendor supplied freshly cut palms), pumpkin farm patches with wheat stalks, etc. They even make labels for binder covers, e.g., "Brain Surgery for Dummies", wear costume tights and other just barely appropriate garments. And no, we don't go into that much detail in Orientation! It's almost a cult thing within the departments.
So please share your ideas for HR. THANKS!
I'd like to be a sort of Batman & Robin team, caped crusaders (er, sans the tights). Or maybe belly dancers (never taking off our ample veils). The LaVerne & Shirley idea blurted out from a new hire in Orientation totally turned me off - bimbos working in a beer factory...please. [OMG, is that how we came across??? EEEK!]
It might help to know that at 5PM the night before, volunteer employees cover cubicle walls from floor to ceiling with "wallpaper" representing dungeons, castles, survivor scenarios (a vendor supplied freshly cut palms), pumpkin farm patches with wheat stalks, etc. They even make labels for binder covers, e.g., "Brain Surgery for Dummies", wear costume tights and other just barely appropriate garments. And no, we don't go into that much detail in Orientation! It's almost a cult thing within the departments.
So please share your ideas for HR. THANKS!
What about the Wizard of Oz? Dorothy and the witch?
At my previous job, the Controller and I shared an office. He dressed up as a Christmas tree, and I was a wrapped gift box.
YOU could buy a gold lame' Elvis suit, paint your face gold, spray paint a big cone and wear it upside down on your head. You'd be a trombone. x;-)
For my gift costume, I cut head and arm holes in a big box, then gift-wrapped the box and put it over my head. I bobby-pinned a big bow on my head. It was easy to put on and take off so I could work that day in regular clothes.
The controller wore a long green bathrobe with ornaments stapled to the robe, and green tinsel garland and a strand of lights wrapped around him. (Kind of hard to move around in it though) He wore a hat with a tree topper stapled to it. At the party, he stood in one spot by the electrical outlet so he could plug himself in.
A trombone.... hmmm.... I'll have to remember that one. I could carry a portable CD player and play my trombone CD's all day. Drive people nuts.
The Wizard of Oz idea is a good one. Other scary themes:
American Idol
Barry Bonds
Al Gore
Hillary Clinton
Paul Knoch
A couple of bolts in the side of his head and he's set. He already has the far off, glazed stare down.
It was a lot of fun. We enjoyed it.
Personally I always wanted to come in a red "Catbert" suit.
Also, isn't halloween four months away? Not that its too early to get a jump on other departments...
They have a 12' tall "mug pyramid" in the lobby, and in the courtyard they have a fountain fashioned out of mugs.
I asked if I could keep one as a souvenir and got my hand swatted. James said if I started posting more often and with more consistency and cut back on the "fluff posts", that maybe I'd get a mug for my 2,000th post though. He said I wasn't supposed to tell anyone. Whoops.
I have the winning costume. We all dress up in our black suits, white shirts, black ties, black "spit shined" shoes, Black framed glasses with our identical black briefcases. and come as the IRS. That would scare everyone!
We not only dress up and decorate, but each department invites the rest of the company by at some time during the day for food, to go through the "haunted house" they created, or to join that department's Monster Mash party - whatever they happened to do that year.
Last year our HR dept thought and thought and couldn't really come up with anything creepy. And then I said, "you know what scares me to death? Getting fired!" So that's what we did. We put fake cobwebs all over the HR area, we sent out a home office e-mail telling employees that they needed to stop by HR for a special announcement, and we put up posters with info on how to find a new job, career counseling, COBRA info, etc. We had a box filled with "termination" letters that had really silly reasons on them - like terminated for being early to work too many days in a row, or for being caught in a tie on a Friday. Those kind of things. We had about a dozen different letters, all printed on PINK paper. Then put address labels with the employees names on them and as they came by for goodies we handed them out. We didn't win, but the company is still talking about it.
A couple of years ago a few of the graphics folks did the Hanibal Lecter thing. One guy dressed in an orange jumpsuit, had that funky face mask on his lower face, had on a straight jacket, and belted himself to a dolly. He even put a clear plastic shield across the "door" of his cube to look like the cell Lecter was in. One of you could do that, and the other could be Agent Clairese Starling.
Have fun!