
Ok, I am out of the loop on this one. As a non-blackberry user, would someone tell me what all the fuss is about. Are these blackberry phones all that and a bag of chips or what?
Who are the crackberrys out there?
Who are the crackberrys out there?
Seriously, I don't know much about Blackberries, but I think it combines a cell phone, a PDA, and a device to send and receive email. That last feature seems to be what's got everyone addicted and nursing sore thumbs. Evidently, Blackberry Thumb is the next Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
The Blackberry is a PDA/Phone. Most of our salesmen have them and I'm told they "suck". Phone reception is poor.
Verizon has a new phone/pda out that runs Windows based programs and you can sync it with your office/home Outlook program. The buttons are larger for ease of typing. The screen (about 2.5 x's the size of most phones) slides over the keypad for compact storage. I'm looking into trading up soon.
>have a lot to be desired (I picked that up in
Cheryl, which did you pick up in Mississippi: The phrase "all y'all's" or better skin care tips?
The way the articles described blackberry users and their addiction made it sound like these devices were something you couldn't live without.
Apparently you can.
I think I am part of the last generation to remember what its like to actually be "alone" without being connected to others through cell phones, text messaging, myspace, etc.
I took a three day Greyhound trip from California to Chicago and all I did was write in a journal, talk to other passengers, and stare out the window. That kind of experience is a thing of the past now.
I heard on the news that a company has developed a satellite internet service for cars so kids can sit in the backseat with their own laptops and surf the internet while in the car.
This could create a new way to annoy your sister:
"Daddy! Billy is sending me annoying instant messages and he re-configured my IP address so I can't access!"
For skin care, I had to go to town and buy some aloe vera for the sun burns we got after being in the hot MS sun the first day.
A luddite is someone who is opposed to the advance of technology. Up there in Ray's neck of the woods, they're still using smoke signals.
Thanks, y'all