Hugger Interviewee?

Has anyone ever had a person you are interviewing give you a big ol hug at the end?
What is even better .... she is interviewing for an HR Intern position!!!
Do colleges or parents teach any interviewing skills?
I almost want to send out letters to people saying: "here's the deal", "don't hug", "dress nicer", "don't roll out of bed", "don't smell", etc. etc. etc. etc. etc........
Ok ... I am done!
What is even better .... she is interviewing for an HR Intern position!!!
Do colleges or parents teach any interviewing skills?
I almost want to send out letters to people saying: "here's the deal", "don't hug", "dress nicer", "don't roll out of bed", "don't smell", etc. etc. etc. etc. etc........
Ok ... I am done!

I guess that's "how she rolls!"
>interviewing give you a big ol hug at the end?
>What is even better .... she is interviewing for an HR Intern position!!!
>Do colleges or parents teach any interviewing
What kids aren't learning is appropriateness. It's like everyone is afraid to define boundaries and lay down rules for fear of offending any class, getting criticized or even sued.
I'm a hugger but I've never hugged a prospective employer. x0:)
Cheryl C.
Cheryl C.
I was interviewing a fellow yesterday and I asked him to tell me one area he would like to improve in.
He thought about it for a moment and then replied, "Teamwork. I really don't like people telling me what to do."
Then there was just an awkward silence as I considered his answer.
So, I gave him a hug.
James Sokolowski
I thought he was putting me on but he had the documentation to prove it. He just wanted me to know in case it ever happened which to my knowledge it did not.
He was the biggest penny pincher I ever met. If you had loose change sitting around, he would ask if he could have it.