
Why is abbreviate such a long word?
Anybody else wanna pose a global, change the universe one liner why thread?
Anybody else wanna pose a global, change the universe one liner why thread?
Why is easy listening music so hard to listen to? (heard that one from a comedian, Steven Wright)
Why would anyone marry Larry King?
Why can't George Bush make up his own words? He is president for crying out loud. So what if he "misunderestimates" occassionally.
Why do Muslims get offended by cartoons depicting Mohammed as violent and respond by rioting and killing people?
Why is that the louder the person talks on a cell phone, the more boring their conversation is?
Why don't we start issuing cell phones to newborns and be done with it?
Why were the refs who officiated the super bowl picked from unemployed steel union members?
Why do forum moderators switch every week? Even military tours last a year or more.
Why do kids in third world countries often look happier and more lively than kids in the US?
Why do police warn us when someone is "armed and suicidal"? Won't that problem take care of itself? (From Jay Leno)
Why doesn't my 10 year old daughter recognize how "cool" her dad is?
Why does Britney Spears drive with her baby in her lap? Can she not afford a car seat? Is she perhaps the most ridiculous person of all time?
Why do I say I am SUPER BUSY at work yet have time to post nonsense like this?
>Why can't George Bush make up his own words? He
>is president for crying out loud. So what if he
>"misunderestimates" occassionally.
>Why does Britney Spears drive with her baby in
>her lap? Can she not afford a car seat? Is she
>perhaps the most ridiculous person of all time?
It Colbert's coining of "truthiness" is not recognized, why should we recognize misunderestimates.
Why is it assumed that I or anyone else would give a hoot about anything Britney Spears does.
Why did it take my kids so long to recognize that I was not a complete moron (this is the stage that occurs a few years after they realize parents are not cool).
Why do they still sing YMCA at weddings etc.
Why baby why don't you treat me like you use to do--sorry, it was just playing on the radio.
So true, so true!
Why does corporate dump tons more work on my department, but not give me the staff to complete it?
Why are my azalias blooming in February?
Why do people drive 50mph in the left lane? Left-lane vigilantes!!
Why do we park on a driveway and drive on a parkway?
I don't want them to bloom this early! Augusta lives for the Masters "too-nah-mint" and the azaleas are part of the show!
I lived in Michigan when I was a kid. I don't miss the snow.
If we get two flakes down here, the entire city shuts down.
Why did the wrong two Beatles die first?