Weird Job Seeker Stunts

From MSN:
Wore a tuxedo.
Used a celebrity official fan site as one of their portfolio accomplishments.
Brought a baby gift to the interviewer who was pregnant.
Sat next to the hiring manager in a church pew.
Left Yankee tickets for the interviewer.
Sent a nude photo of himself to the hiring manager.
Tried to do a stand-up comedy routine.
Waited for the hiring manager at his car.
Came dressed as a cat.
Said they "smiled on command."
Wore a tuxedo.
Used a celebrity official fan site as one of their portfolio accomplishments.
Brought a baby gift to the interviewer who was pregnant.
Sat next to the hiring manager in a church pew.
Left Yankee tickets for the interviewer.
Sent a nude photo of himself to the hiring manager.
Tried to do a stand-up comedy routine.
Waited for the hiring manager at his car.
Came dressed as a cat.
Said they "smiled on command."
1. Applicant's very first question to me was "Do you discriminate against someone who has been convicted of attempted murder?"
2. Application was sent in completely ripped to shreds and taped back together. Stained brown. I hope it was coffee.
3. Applicant asked if she could fill out her own written reference for herself.
4. Applicant called and told me she needed me to pick her up at the airport (90 minutes away) the next day without scheduling an interview or being hired.
5. Applicant sent about 45 pages of personal documentation (military records, letters of recommendation, good citizenship awards) along with the app.
The day my second daughter was born, I was at the airport about 9 hours later picking up a man from Ghana who had e-mailed me a couple times and then decided to show up.
That was my friend Benedict. That's another story.
Anybody ever feel like your Simon/Randy or Paula
and doing an episode of American Idol instead of interviews? I know I've had to make sure my mouth was closed so my jaw didn't hit the desk with some of the stuff I've seen/heard over the years. Just when you think you have seen it all..........
Another fellow, when asked "Why did you leave your last job?" answered "Because the HR guy was a f***ing idiot". I cut the interview off knowing full well that I was to become his next f***ing idiot. Whatever.
I had a mother bring her 2 children, ages 2 & 3, along to the interview. That one was really productive!
I had a lady apologize for being a couple of minutes late for the interview that she had been at her husband's funeral. (It was true) I hired her and she was employed for years!
Many more stories, like the rest of you. It's very seldom dull in H.R.
Dixied - I think we have a winner!
During an interview, the applicant kept taking calls on her cell phone. I told her the company policy concerning the use of cell phones during working hours and she proceeded to tell me how behind the times the company was.
Then, there was applicant who wouldn't take a typing test because the keyboard was black (don't ask, I didn't therefore I don't know).
I had a call from an applicant who had some questions about the position. As we talked, she would occassionally pause and yell, "Would everybody SHUT UP, Im on the PHONE!!"
Its also not unusual to hear a parent, usually a mom, "coaching" an applicant in the background. Its like talking to someone who is consulting their attorney. There is a short delay. Every once in awhile, the applicant will hiss "Moooommmm! Shh!"
I had an applicant who was interested in driving our tour bus who had a conviction for vehicular manslaughter. That was the SAME application that was all torn to shreds and retaped together.
We ask for e-mails on our applications and I always enjoy seeing "" or "" Nice!
I also have an applicant who calls me EVERY year about the same time. She always wants to know what jobs we have but when pressed she always admits she can't really leave her parents and move here. Why she calls, I don't know. Its just become part of my routine though.