Warm-n-Fuzzy Ideas

Hello fellow forumites. This is a swell group. All the mean people seem to have left
Actually, we're over on "the dark side". In any event, being that I am bi-forum, I enjoy a nice sandbox in which the whole group has things in common and can play well together. And it's nice to have a person overseeing our playtime so that he can whistle 'time out' if one of us starts misbehaving.
I have a suggestion and that's to have certain themes for days of the week, like we all agree to wear yellow on Mondays or Bass Weejuns on Thursdays. We can relate it to the moods we go through as fellow HR associates. Do you think my idea is OK? I hope you will like it. Maybe we can even tie this in with Paul's Book of the Month suggestion. Perhaps on days that we have book discussions, we could all wear Ascots and Blzers to sort of create an ambience.

I have a suggestion and that's to have certain themes for days of the week, like we all agree to wear yellow on Mondays or Bass Weejuns on Thursdays. We can relate it to the moods we go through as fellow HR associates. Do you think my idea is OK? I hope you will like it. Maybe we can even tie this in with Paul's Book of the Month suggestion. Perhaps on days that we have book discussions, we could all wear Ascots and Blzers to sort of create an ambience.
>with a nice cotton pique polo, preferable pink
>and a cashmere sweater of contrasting color.
>Dock shoes optional.
We? Will you wear socks with your Docks, Gene? xB-)
(My cat typed the "87" so if it was off topic or speculative, blame him.)
As for going "commando", don't ask, don't tell.
As for the "don't ask - don't tell:" That takes all the fun out of it. But where I work sometimes you don't have to ask or tell, you can just plainly see that something is, uh, missing.