Calling In Sick

Top 20 reasons
I was sprayed by a skunk.
I tripped over my dog and was knocked unconscious.
My bus broke down and was held up by robbers.
I was arrested as a result of mistaken identity.
I forgot to come back to work after lunch.
I couldn't find my shoes.
I hurt myself bowling.
I was spit on by a venomous snake.
I totaled my wife's jeep in a collision with a cow.
A hitman was looking for me.
My curlers burned my hair and I had to go to the hairdresser.
I eloped.
My brain went to sleep and I couldn't wake it up.
My cat unplugged my alarm clock.
I had to be there for my husband's grand jury trial.
I had to ship my grandmother's bones to India.
I forgot what day of the week it was.
Someone slipped drugs in my drink last night.
A tree fell on my car.
My monkey died.
I was sprayed by a skunk.
I tripped over my dog and was knocked unconscious.
My bus broke down and was held up by robbers.
I was arrested as a result of mistaken identity.
I forgot to come back to work after lunch.
I couldn't find my shoes.
I hurt myself bowling.
I was spit on by a venomous snake.
I totaled my wife's jeep in a collision with a cow.
A hitman was looking for me.
My curlers burned my hair and I had to go to the hairdresser.
I eloped.
My brain went to sleep and I couldn't wake it up.
My cat unplugged my alarm clock.
I had to be there for my husband's grand jury trial.
I had to ship my grandmother's bones to India.
I forgot what day of the week it was.
Someone slipped drugs in my drink last night.
A tree fell on my car.
My monkey died.
Now what's so hard to believe about that????
"I forgot to come back to work after lunch." - That's a good one. I have done that.
My daughter's Black Lab, however, is the menace in our home. One day he chewed only one of my best black pumps and another time jumped up on me going out the door whereby ripping my stockings. I was at least 15 minutes late for work both times looking for alternate items to wear.
Oh I have to hide the remote from her also or she turns the TV on. She knows that if she hits the red button with her paw the TV turns on.
This is happening right now, by the way. If anyone has a solution short of going to an all night WalMart to buy a taller ladder, please let me know ASAP. I don't own a gun, so I can't shoot it.
Because they are from Hell. I just about guarantee you that if it had been one of them and not the carbon monoxide detector, you could not have disabled it.
And you are so right about the difficulty of determining which is the offending alarm. When I've completed this task and determined that it's one of the ones I can't reach (two of my bedrooms have higher ceilings than the rest of the house), I know I'm scr#wed.
(Hook 'Em)
Brad Forrister
M. Lee Smith Publishers
Yes, I'm obsessed! Maybe I need to talk to someone about finding a way to post a pic or two... (heh, heh, heh).
I do, however, bathe my cat but the trick is to start training them when they're babies. Make the baths frequent, warm and gentle. Hold their front paws in one hand while you run the warm water over them with the other.
They won't ever love it but they'll become used to it and not scratch you. Now that he's grown up, I stand him in the tub propjping his paws up on the faucet and get him wet by the cup full. I can use both hands now to suds him up and rinse him. This is the 3rd cat I've owned over the years and they were all taught to endure bathing. He just looks at me like I'm abusing him but he never tries to jump out of the tub or scratch me.
My kitties seem to enjoy the concept of water. Any water that isn't in their water dish, that is - they don't want to have anything to do with their water dish. They'll play with droplets in a sink, dip their toes & whiskers in drinking glasses, and are fascinated with raindrops rolling down windows. However, I've never bathed them with water. Instead I've been using those "wet-nap" sheets and they don't seem to mind. And I don't have a wet kitty running all over the house.