How 'bout those 'Horns?!

I could've also entitled this post "19th Nervous Breakdown." That's how I felt during the Rose Bowl tonight! But Vince Young and the Longhorns prevailed and my alma mater is #1!! WOOOO-HOOOO! I live in central Austin, not too far from campus, and everyone is going nuts. I'm up way too late on a "school night" but who cares? I just opened a bottle of champagne and the night is YOUNG!!! (Get it?)
HOOK 'EM, HORNS!!!!!!!!!!
HOOK 'EM, HORNS!!!!!!!!!!
(I'm killing myself here, because I really know nothing about sports and I'm talking like I actually do. However, I am well aware that both of my degrees from the University of Texas at Austin will be revoked if I do not stand and raise the hook 'em salute during all renditions of The Eyes of Texas.)
"A Texas Toast" which of course I have very discreetly laid on my desk to insure everyone is reminded I'm a TEXAN!!!! You can take the Longhorn out of Texas but you can't take TEXAS out of the Longhorn!!! We were doin the dance after the final play..the nieghbors probably thought we just won the lotto. We had the Drag goin on in the living room. (Of course if your Texan you know I mean the street and not the queen!)
But some parts are wonderful. Where can you get virtually every type of terrain in one state? Beach, mountains, desert, pine forests, high plains, rolling hill country with crystal rivers...I could on go, but it really doesn't matter. You can't get it from a travelog or topography lesson. It's a Texas thang, and it's not for everybody.