Gunned down...

Wow...don't yell bomb while on an air plane in Miami! It could be the last thing you say or do.
What do you think about this 44-yr-old man getting shot? The reports say that he hadn't taken his medicine and was going off the wall.
Cheryl C.
What do you think about this 44-yr-old man getting shot? The reports say that he hadn't taken his medicine and was going off the wall.
Cheryl C.
Case closed. I feel sorry for the individual and his wife. But in our current world, I can't see any other course of action and I hope that the Marshalls on any of my future flights take the same actions.
By the way, the newspaper article I read also mentioned that the wife started yelling that the man was bi-polar and didn't take his medication. Why was she letting her husband get on a plane, knowing that he did not take his medications? As harsh as it may sound, I honestly believe she bears some responsibility for her husband's death. I have a nephew and two friends with bi-polar teenage children. If I had a say in the situation, I wouldn't let any of these individuals out of their residences, let alone on an airplane. Bi-polar individuals can be very agressive and dangerous to those around them, even loved ones. One of the teenagers pulled a knife on his brother. The wife of the individual that was killed in Miami must have known the dire consequences of letting her husband get on an airplane without his medication.
Now, had he not reached into his bag as if to pull out the bomb, he may have not been shot. Just yelling and running around waving your hands isn't cause to be shot...unless of course the Marshalls believed the bomb to be on his person.
Cheryl C.
If you don't want to be shot, do not act like a terroist. Federal Marshal's do not know that you are off your medication. People off their medication can be just as dangerous as a terrorist.
The Marshall made the right choice. It was an unfortunate event. Yesterday evening, there was a press conference and they said there was not a bomb. I wonder how long it will take the ACLU or some other group to start screaming that the marshall was wrong and that this is an outrage?
Whenever I start to feel blue, I start breathing again!
Cheryl C.
My first thought upon hearing the news of this event was one of comfort.
I just read another article quoting different witnesses who said the guy was clearly agitated before he got on the plane, that his wife was trying to calm him down and telling him everything would be fine. Based on what others have posted above, I can't help but wonder why she would let him get on the plane. Can you imagine what would have happened if the plane was already in the air when he tried to get off?