Christmas Letter 2005

After suffering through numerous, nauseous Christmas letters in past years, I decided to write (create) my own this year and send it to all the relatives. It's rather long, but aren't they all. Enjoy!
My what a busy year it has been and now it’s almost Christmas time again. This year has brought us and our children much happiness and success. Earlier, in the spring, Lezlie and I went on vacation together for the first time in several years. Lezlie went to LasVegas and I went to the Black Hills in South Dakota. We each had a marvelous time meeting many new exciting friends and had many experiences to relate to each other when we returned home.
Grant is doing quite well at college where he has turned into quite a leader. This fall he led a rally after one of the football games and received quite a bit of attention for his efforts and even made the front page of the town newspaper. They called it one of the deadliest riots the town has ever experienced, but we all know how the media can exaggerate. Ha! Ha! Grant will be going away for awhile where he says he will graduate in about 3-5 years cum laud good behavior.
Jay is still running a very successful business of his own. He has been in business for himself for almost four years now and continues to grow. Sports Booking is not an easy enterprise, but Jay manages to meet all the challenges. We don’t get to see him too often as business takes him out of town quite frequently to Chicago, Kansas City, and Las Vegas. Even with his traveling, Jay has succeeded in adding a branch to his business that he calls “collection and elimination”. It’s a rather new aspect of his business, but he has been getting a lot of support from his out-of-town business associates.
Steve, lovely wife Julie, and son Toby are enjoying life living in a new community. They just moved there this year and enjoy the uniqueness of just one religion for the whole community. The community even grows their own food and is very close to self-sufficiency, which is their goal. They received a commendation from the mayor of the community whom everybody calls, Brother Benjamin. The reason for the commendation was that they were able to grow a wonderful crop of plants that they imported from Columbia. The whole community turned out to praise them for their contribution.
Toby is really getting big now and is starting his instructional training. Brother Benjamin is a believer in starting them young. Toby looks so cute in his uniform and sidearm. Even though he’s been walking for only a couple of months, he can already march right along with the other children. AND he’s becoming quite the marksman. They had a graduation banquet that Lezlie and I went to and it was marvelous. They served Doritos and Ding-Dongs and then after dinner they handed out these little white cigars that were actually quite good. I haven’t had a cigar like that since college. I told a few jokes and, boy, did everybody laugh! Pretty soon the whole community was laughing at my jokes, which I didn’t think were that funny, but I guess they were.
On the way home that night, we hit a deer, which did quite a bit of damage to our car, but we did bring the deer home so I could cut it up for the freezer. Waste not; want not, I always say. It was quite a chore cutting it up until Lezlie suggested I tie it up to keep it from running away. That’s me though, always overlooking the obvious. Ha! Ha! After utilizing all the bungee cords, cinches, and C-clamps I could find, the rest of the job went fine. After all the meat was in the freezer, I still had this big pile of deer stuff. But what do you know, Jay to the rescue. Jay said he had this device at has business that could get rid of the rest of the deer without a trace. He’s so thoughtful. I tried to thank him, but he just said, “Fuggitabahtit.”
Brecken was in her first school play this year. The day care school, which she attends, put on a wonderful stage version of “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”. Brecken played one of the victims and I helped her with her make-up. I don’t know who had more ketchup on them when we were through, me or Brecken. But we had a wonderful time. Next year they’re going to do the stage version of “Godzilla vs. Mothra”. The script will rather difficult for the children, but it’s a good thing they will have a whole year to learn how to “mouth” the words in Japanese and have the sound come out in English. But I’m sure they’ll be able to do it.
Lezlie and I are really enjoying the wildlife sanctuary that Lezlie has created in our own backyard. Lezlie loves to feed the songbirds and squirrels that have been lured to our habitat and we even have a little white squirrel that we named “Whitey”. The rabbits are quite plentiful along with the other squirrels that come in. We even had red-tailed hawk come in earlier this summer and made off with Whitey. The next day it returned and tried to fly away with one of our Boston Terriers. The hawk managed to get about two feet off the ground before it ran into our four foot chain link fence at the property line. The dog survived, but the hawk ended up half in the yard and half out of the yard. Lezlie tried everything she could to pull the hawk through all the way, but with no success. With winter coming we thought we would have the hawk stuck in the fence all year until I remembered the cherry bombs we had left over from the 4th of July. Problem solved. After Lezlie raked up the backyard we were back to normal.
This fall we had a wonderful surprise when Grant came to visit us. He showed up suddenly in the middle of the night. He was so out of breath as if he had been running all night. When I asked him why he was so out of breath he said,” My car broke down. Yeah, dats it. My car broke down.” The people that Grant is staying with must really like him because they sent a couple of cars and a helicopter to come and give him a free ride home. Our visit was short but we’ll go see him again on Christmas Day between 1:00 and 3:00. After that, Jay asked me if I would play Santa Claus at the Witness Protection Program children’s Christmas party, so it’ll be a busy day for us!
Well it’s time for me to brag a little bit about myself. I received a pretty good promotion at work this year. My company moved me up to the position of Senior Advanced Monback. My new job is very challenging but I’m pretty quick to catch on. I’ll explain my new job the best I can here. I now stand BEHIND the truck as it’s backing up and yell, “Monback. Monback.” Everybody has been very supportive of me in my new role because they all keep saying, “You finally got the job you deserve.” I really couldn’t do it without the love and support of everybody there. What a great group!
Lezlie and I are pretty busy getting ready for Christmas now. Lezlie is very crafty, so she is making holiday coasters out of leftover white meat from Thanksgiving and hawk feathers. I’ve been busy making deviled eggs, which is my specialty. With all the gatherings we go to, I usually make quite a few. So I’ve just about got a whole cupboard full right now. I will also be making venison jerky and hawk jerky. Lez and I also decided to have a good old fashioned Christmas this year. We decorated our tree with popcorn strings, handmade paper angels, and candles and boy has it been a hit with the neighbors! The first night we lit the candles all the neighbors gathered outside our house to admire the display. The fire department even said they had never seen anything like it. They said they had no trouble finding our house because of the heavenly glow.
Well, until next year we hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. If you’re ever in town please stop and see us! For the time being, we’ll be staying at the Bates Motel and Resort, room #2 which is down by the Mississippi River Flats. There are lots of rooms always available. As a matter of fact, all of them are available. And they have great showers! We sure look forward to your visits! Have a great year.
Larry and Lezlie
My what a busy year it has been and now it’s almost Christmas time again. This year has brought us and our children much happiness and success. Earlier, in the spring, Lezlie and I went on vacation together for the first time in several years. Lezlie went to LasVegas and I went to the Black Hills in South Dakota. We each had a marvelous time meeting many new exciting friends and had many experiences to relate to each other when we returned home.
Grant is doing quite well at college where he has turned into quite a leader. This fall he led a rally after one of the football games and received quite a bit of attention for his efforts and even made the front page of the town newspaper. They called it one of the deadliest riots the town has ever experienced, but we all know how the media can exaggerate. Ha! Ha! Grant will be going away for awhile where he says he will graduate in about 3-5 years cum laud good behavior.
Jay is still running a very successful business of his own. He has been in business for himself for almost four years now and continues to grow. Sports Booking is not an easy enterprise, but Jay manages to meet all the challenges. We don’t get to see him too often as business takes him out of town quite frequently to Chicago, Kansas City, and Las Vegas. Even with his traveling, Jay has succeeded in adding a branch to his business that he calls “collection and elimination”. It’s a rather new aspect of his business, but he has been getting a lot of support from his out-of-town business associates.
Steve, lovely wife Julie, and son Toby are enjoying life living in a new community. They just moved there this year and enjoy the uniqueness of just one religion for the whole community. The community even grows their own food and is very close to self-sufficiency, which is their goal. They received a commendation from the mayor of the community whom everybody calls, Brother Benjamin. The reason for the commendation was that they were able to grow a wonderful crop of plants that they imported from Columbia. The whole community turned out to praise them for their contribution.
Toby is really getting big now and is starting his instructional training. Brother Benjamin is a believer in starting them young. Toby looks so cute in his uniform and sidearm. Even though he’s been walking for only a couple of months, he can already march right along with the other children. AND he’s becoming quite the marksman. They had a graduation banquet that Lezlie and I went to and it was marvelous. They served Doritos and Ding-Dongs and then after dinner they handed out these little white cigars that were actually quite good. I haven’t had a cigar like that since college. I told a few jokes and, boy, did everybody laugh! Pretty soon the whole community was laughing at my jokes, which I didn’t think were that funny, but I guess they were.
On the way home that night, we hit a deer, which did quite a bit of damage to our car, but we did bring the deer home so I could cut it up for the freezer. Waste not; want not, I always say. It was quite a chore cutting it up until Lezlie suggested I tie it up to keep it from running away. That’s me though, always overlooking the obvious. Ha! Ha! After utilizing all the bungee cords, cinches, and C-clamps I could find, the rest of the job went fine. After all the meat was in the freezer, I still had this big pile of deer stuff. But what do you know, Jay to the rescue. Jay said he had this device at has business that could get rid of the rest of the deer without a trace. He’s so thoughtful. I tried to thank him, but he just said, “Fuggitabahtit.”
Brecken was in her first school play this year. The day care school, which she attends, put on a wonderful stage version of “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”. Brecken played one of the victims and I helped her with her make-up. I don’t know who had more ketchup on them when we were through, me or Brecken. But we had a wonderful time. Next year they’re going to do the stage version of “Godzilla vs. Mothra”. The script will rather difficult for the children, but it’s a good thing they will have a whole year to learn how to “mouth” the words in Japanese and have the sound come out in English. But I’m sure they’ll be able to do it.
Lezlie and I are really enjoying the wildlife sanctuary that Lezlie has created in our own backyard. Lezlie loves to feed the songbirds and squirrels that have been lured to our habitat and we even have a little white squirrel that we named “Whitey”. The rabbits are quite plentiful along with the other squirrels that come in. We even had red-tailed hawk come in earlier this summer and made off with Whitey. The next day it returned and tried to fly away with one of our Boston Terriers. The hawk managed to get about two feet off the ground before it ran into our four foot chain link fence at the property line. The dog survived, but the hawk ended up half in the yard and half out of the yard. Lezlie tried everything she could to pull the hawk through all the way, but with no success. With winter coming we thought we would have the hawk stuck in the fence all year until I remembered the cherry bombs we had left over from the 4th of July. Problem solved. After Lezlie raked up the backyard we were back to normal.
This fall we had a wonderful surprise when Grant came to visit us. He showed up suddenly in the middle of the night. He was so out of breath as if he had been running all night. When I asked him why he was so out of breath he said,” My car broke down. Yeah, dats it. My car broke down.” The people that Grant is staying with must really like him because they sent a couple of cars and a helicopter to come and give him a free ride home. Our visit was short but we’ll go see him again on Christmas Day between 1:00 and 3:00. After that, Jay asked me if I would play Santa Claus at the Witness Protection Program children’s Christmas party, so it’ll be a busy day for us!
Well it’s time for me to brag a little bit about myself. I received a pretty good promotion at work this year. My company moved me up to the position of Senior Advanced Monback. My new job is very challenging but I’m pretty quick to catch on. I’ll explain my new job the best I can here. I now stand BEHIND the truck as it’s backing up and yell, “Monback. Monback.” Everybody has been very supportive of me in my new role because they all keep saying, “You finally got the job you deserve.” I really couldn’t do it without the love and support of everybody there. What a great group!
Lezlie and I are pretty busy getting ready for Christmas now. Lezlie is very crafty, so she is making holiday coasters out of leftover white meat from Thanksgiving and hawk feathers. I’ve been busy making deviled eggs, which is my specialty. With all the gatherings we go to, I usually make quite a few. So I’ve just about got a whole cupboard full right now. I will also be making venison jerky and hawk jerky. Lez and I also decided to have a good old fashioned Christmas this year. We decorated our tree with popcorn strings, handmade paper angels, and candles and boy has it been a hit with the neighbors! The first night we lit the candles all the neighbors gathered outside our house to admire the display. The fire department even said they had never seen anything like it. They said they had no trouble finding our house because of the heavenly glow.
Well, until next year we hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. If you’re ever in town please stop and see us! For the time being, we’ll be staying at the Bates Motel and Resort, room #2 which is down by the Mississippi River Flats. There are lots of rooms always available. As a matter of fact, all of them are available. And they have great showers! We sure look forward to your visits! Have a great year.
Larry and Lezlie
>went on vacation together for the first time in
>several years. Lezlie went to LasVegas and I
>went to the Black Hills in South Dakota. We each
>had a marvelous time meeting many new exciting
>friends and had many experiences to relate to
>each other when we returned home.
Wow, Larry, I like the concept of going on vacation "together" but in different places.
Thanks for sharing your letter with us. It gave me a good chuckle on this rainy Tuesday!
Happy Holidays!
Cheryl C.