Tom DeLay-Indicted

It appears that a Texas grand jury found enough evidence to indict Mr. DeLay...and the Rebuplican leaders are asking him to step aside.
see articles on cnn and msn....
see articles on cnn and msn....
As for the others above, I'm sure there are statistics in existence to make any point you care to. But as a registered voter in Travis County, I'm more than satisfied with Mr. Earle. And as a Texan, I'm ashamed of Mr. DeLay
Slogan, I wouldn't count the Tsetse fly out; it is, in fact, a highly venomous insect.
Okay y'all, fire away. I'm leaving town and computers for a long weekend.
Now Ronnie has to change the charge to "Money laundering". But that is non-sense since DeLay did it all exactly the way the law siad to do it. It's kind of a "Oh crap, he did it just the way we told him to do it"! This will be just another feather in Ronnie's shorts. Oh by the way, even thought Ronnie only went after three Republicans, one of those he went after three times (Kay Bailey) and all three times the charges were dropped. I guess Ronnie better spend more time studying current law rather than worrying about how he is going to look on film!