Not My Idea, But......

With deference to Don's post, what do you think of the idea of just cutting a check to each victim/family of Katrina for $200K and let them put their own lives back together? $200 billion divided by one million people affected is $200K, each, and if you limit it to one or two individuals per family, you'll still have enough left over to rebuild the public infrastructure for the number of people who decide to return to New Orleans and surrounding area. Make certain that each recipient proves their loss of living/business/job, but let them decide whether to go back or get a start someplace else.
It's a clear course of action; give them the money and set them on their way. Of course there would be second-guessers, once some of them blew the money in Vegas and wanted to go on the dole. 'You didn't give them a chance, they had no education about money, etc.' And I say, put their names on a national registery and they don't get any more public funds for the next ten years.
From our experience in WI, I don't know who I'd trust to administer the funds. That's the biggest problem with the idea. It seems like even if you give the money to private organizations, someone finds a way to get their fingers in the pot, big time.