It was a matter of time II

Michael Brown, the head of FEMA, is no longer responsible for onsite relief efforts for the aftermath of Katrina. Of course, he is still the head of FEMA. He is returning to Washington to "oversee the government's response to other potential disasters."
Fire Brown indeed. I say off with the governor and mayors' heads!
The head of the National Weather Service office said that he personally telephoned the mayor and the governor (LA) on Monday morning and told them how bad the hurricane was going to be and that they should evacuate the city and both refused saying they had it all under control. Haley Barbour had Mississippi declared a disaster area TWO DAYS before the hurricane hit and that does make a great big difference in terms of what can be done by the feds in coordination with the locals.
What they needed in New Orleans was a 'CEO In Charge', like we have in the governor's office of my state. Instead, they have a bunch of moaners and blamers and they are running hard to escape the bright light that will shine on their ineptness for years to come after this is over and done with. When the Mayor of N.O. did finally put the mandatory evacuation in place, after the fact, he failed to think about the 1/3 of the city who have no transportation and are below the poverty level. He had no public transportation in place and figured they could get out on their own.
Brown, whoever this man was, should never have had the job he had. His resume was a lie. How in the world could a man with a short stint as an assistant to a city emergency director qualify for a job like this. He never held a management position, never supervised anybody, never directed a department at any level. This only proves my earlier point that this entire agency is a living graveyard of dead political hacks and a bunch of 'payoff' positions for election efforts.
These jobs have been awarded in a manner similar to the way in which ambassadors to foreign countries are appointed by presidents. It is scandalous, regardless of party. It must change.
Here's what I just pulled from the Washington Post:
"officials said the president's aides wanted a more effective, hands-on manager at the scene."
Now, who you gonna' call?